And I'm Forgetting

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It had been a month since I last seen Tori. Since she told me she was leaving. I still have not responded to her. I didn't know what to say. There are lots of things I could've said. I could've asked where to. I could've found out more, been intrigued. I could've said I did not care- although I basically did with my actions.

But I did care. As much as I hated to admit it.

Of course I cared. Tori was my muse. She gave me feelings I've never had. She gave me pleasant memories. She gave me a new outlook on life. I did once love that woman. I cannot deny that even through everything.

I was never good with my words. She knew this. I had used silence as a weapon with her so often, she could read it well.

And due to my silence- I messed up. I messed up things with her once again.

She wanted to end things on a good note. Tori wanted to say bye and I ended up saying nothing.

So what did I do after that? I did what Jade always does. I pushed it off. Although, this time I may have pushed it off a little too much. How?

"Good morning, babe."

I got myself a girlfriend.

I looked down next to me to see the owner of the voice. She was tangled in my sheets, her dirty blonde hair spread over the pillow. Her smile was weak since she had just woken up. This is suppose to be warming to me, but it wasn't.

"Morning." I simply replied, with no expression.

As I got up and walked to the bathroom, she followed. "We're supposed to meet my family at noon for lunch. Don't forget." Her hand landed on my shoulder, tracing down my arm.

My eyes made contact with hers in the mirror for a moment. I looked over the tired woman and then nodded grabbing my toothbrush. "Okay." She kissed my neck once in response before leaving the room. I'm assuming to make breakfast. She does that.

Now, I know what you are probably thinking. 'Lunch with her family?' 'Sleeping over?' and most of all 'Girlfriend?' Okay, yes, yes, and yes.

Her name is Venus. She's actually quite beautiful, I'm not going to lie.

I met her at the bar about 3 days after Tori broke the news to me that she was leaving. We talked for the whole night when she first came in. She kept coming after that. About a week passed and we went out to eat, then it became a thing I guess.

Venus is also really nice and good to me. I should be thankful for her honestly- putting up with my bullshit. I know I should be. The thing is though, I feel like I take her for granted. This woman could do a lot for me. We could potentially go somewhere.

But there's only one problem.


She's stuck in my brain; and for some fucking reason, she's not leaving it.

"Fuck." I whisper rubbing my temples. I hate that. I hate that she takes over my entire mind, filling my thoughts. It's like she's finally left for good, but still haunts me at the same time. There's no escape apparently.

Maybe a shower would help..


After I got ready for my day, I made my way to the kitchen. The smell of bacon filled the house like usual and my mouth watered. I have to say, Venus can cook. I actually quite enjoy her food.

"Jadelyn! I made you your favorite." Venus winked in my direction and point to the bar.

Scrambled eggs with hot sauce and bacon were presented to me on a plate. "Thanks." I muttered and took a seat, beginning to dig in.

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