A Whore Named Maya

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"Bring my car back by the time I'm off or your ass is mine, got it?" 

I was letting Cat barrow my car for the day so she could get some errands done. I normally have a problem with letting anyone touch my things, but I thought since she had been such a good friend lately, she could use the help. 

"Got it!" She smiled, running her hand over the steering wheel. 

I eyed the red head for a moment before shutting the door, and heading inside the bar. As soon as I walked up to the bar I got that irritated feeling. Mostly because of the asshole working with me. 

"Jade! Glad you're here. Finish those glasses would ya'? I have customers to take care of." Tommy rushed out and grabbed some shots glasses before running to a table. 

I growled lowly and threw my bag down behind the counter, walking over to the glasses that needed to be cleaned. I would only have an hour before he left, but he was still a pest to work with. 

He's the type that focused and wanted things done a certain way. Sometimes, he would think before messing with me, but those times were rare. 

After about 30 minutes, the glasses were cleaned and put up. I then grabbed my bag and finally took it to the back room. I needed some time to myself, even if it was just a little bit. I knew that once I took a breather I would be able to stand Tommy for a few more minutes then would have the bar to myself- well, the front of the bar.

It was a Wednesday, so it couldn't be that bad tonight. In fact, on slow days they are even better because I can play my own music and take things slow. Relax a bit, which is what I needed. 

I took my precious time putting my things up before heading back to the front. Once I walked up to the bar though... my heart dropped.

She sat there, her legs crossed one over the other, waiting on someone to take her order. She looked nervous, like she needed to get something done that she didn't want to. Her nails tapped on the bar, eyes staring at the bottles infront of her on the wall.

What could she possibly be doing here? All the way on this side of town? At this bar? I know there's plenty of others that she could be at right now. She is here for a reason. What does she want?

It took me a moment to gather myself together. I closed my eyes and reminded myself of how to act. Just. Breathe.

Okay Jade, you got this.

I throw a towel over my shoulder and walked to my place behind the bar. I had to deal with her, Tommy was busy and he wouldn't do it even if I had asked. He only has 10 minutes away. 

"Can I help you?" I asked, monotone.

Tori's eyes flung to mine. I was almost like she didn't realized I'd actually be here. But we both knew that she knew. "Um, uh, yes." She cleared her throat.

I raised my eyebrow in response. After a moment of her not getting that I was waiting I sighed. "Okay. And? What do you want?" I said motioning my hand for her to continue.

"Oh! Uh, fuck. Sorry." She shook her head and pointed behind me. "Can you make me a mimosa?"

I looked at her for a minute before shaking my head and starting on her drink. My mind went 90 to nothing as I thought about why she was here. I couldn't have any clue. There would be no way in hell she was here for anything good. And especially not for just a drink. No, she either wanted something from me or something bad had happened.

I spaced out for a moment and then snapped back in reality when another customer tried getting my attention.


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