Vol.3: The Attack

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Ch.1: Race Against Time

It's a dark night, as I walk the streets of Mystic Falls, Virginia. It's something I do as a Vampire Hunter, every night here in this small town. Yet, I do as I shouldn't. I'm friends with vampires. It's not right I know, but Damon and the others have helped me time and time again. And I've done the same for them in the past.
I stop where I'm on the Whickery bridge, when I hear the howl of a werewolf from the forest. It's a full moon tonight. And then I hear the sound of Katherine screaming in excruciating pain. It's coming from the forest.
I run towards the forest, hearing the sounds of the attack, as I run closer as fast as I can. She's in trouble. If she gets bitten by a werewolf, she'll need that cure. And fast. The only cure if a vampire gets bitten is Klaus' blood. Without the cure, she'll slowly die.
I'm coming, Katherine. Hang in there, I think to myself.

Ch.2: Werewolf

I scream in excruciating pain, as the massive, brown werewolf attacks me. It hurts so badly. It's biting and clawing me, growling at the same time. All I can do is scream and try not to writhe in pain. I just want it to end.
What feels like half an hour later, I weaken so badly that I can't scream anymore. But I'm still in pain, as my vision goes blurry and I'm unfocused.
As I close my eyes, I hear Alaric's familiar yell, "Get away from her!" and then it yelps. I hear its retreating paws and his footsteps, before everything goes black.

Ch.3: Succumbing

"No!" I yell, fearing the worst, as I run towards her, seeing her head roll to the left.
Once I reach her, I kneel down beside her. I can tell she's in terrible shape, as I look down at her. She's very pale, unconscious, and has several claw marks and some bites. There's a bite on her right arm, left shoulder, and left side.
"Let's get you out of here," I say, before gently picking her up in my arms and walking away.

Half an hour later, as she lays unconscious, sweating, and wounded in my bed at Elena's, I brush her hair gently out of her face.
"Oh, Katerina," I sigh. "Don't worry. I won't let you die. I'll get you Klaus' blood if I have to die for it," I add.
I leave my room and head down the stairs to leave. I have to hurry.

Ch.4: Awakened

I don't know how long I'm out for, but when I come to I'm in Alaric's bed at Elena's. And that's when a sharp pain shoots through me. And as the pain comes, I scream. But as suddenly as the pain comes, it stops. When it stops, I stop screaming and feel myself sweating.
A moment later, I start hallucinating. I know I'm hallucinating when I see my mother standing in the middle of the room.
"Ma 'ma," I say, as tears stream down my face upon seeing her.
"Katerina," she greets. "It's okay. Everything will be over soon," she adds with a motherly smile.
"It hurts, ma' ma," I confess.
"I know. It's okay, Katerina."

She sits on my bedside and lightly touches my cheek.
More tears stream down my face.

My mother disappears from sight, as Alaric walks in with the cure.
"You're awake. Wonderful."
He sits on my bedside and helps me sit up. Then he gives the vial to me and I take it. I drink a little before giving it back.
"Thank you," I say, and wipe my silent tears away.
"You're welcome. What did you see? You were crying."
"Just my mother," I confess.
"Well, I'm glad you're okay. I'll be in the kitchen," he replies, before leaving the room with vial in hand.
I watch him go.

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