"Hola sunshine," he smiled, grabbing Hayley's hand to get back to their previous state. Luckily, in the shadow behind the trees, nobody could bust them for drinking in public places. It probably was a stupid idea, but Hayley decided to go with it.

"Fancy, Hood," she commented when she saw the bottle in his hand.

"Half price, couldn't say no", he smirked, twisting the cap at pouring it up into a plastic cup, throwing the rest of them to the side.

"You're a charmer, aren't you?" Hayley took the cup and sniffed the light pink liquid. It had a fruity scent to it. "Where's your drink, then?"

"I don't, um, you know after what happened I just-"

"Oh." Immediately feeling stupid to have brought it up, Hayley avoided his glances. "I'm sorry."

Calum just changed the subject. "So I was asking, truth or dare?"

She took a sip, knowing she'd need to get at least slightly tipsy to get through his silly game. Realising something, Hayley raised her hand. "You're trying to get me drunk."

"You make me sound super creepy," Calum cringed. "Anyway, at least I'll take care of you if you do."

"Oh shut up," Hayley laughed at him, almost spitting out her drink. "You're not helping yourself. By the way, I choose dare."

"Sing me a song."

Hayley shifted. "Not that tipsy yet."

"Damn," he joked and watched her take another sip. "How about now?"

"Nope. Truth or dare?"


"Have you had a girlfriend before?"

"Does it count if it was for two days when I was eight? Truth or truth?"

"Truth," Hayley rolled her eyes at him.

"Do you consider us boyfriend and girlfriend?"

There was a pause. Hayley put the cup to her lips. After a swig or two, or four, she answered his question. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"

"Yeah," he said.

"Then yes."

Fifty minutes later, Hayley drew a big heart in the sand with her finger, putting H+C in the middle. The half empty bottle was lying on her lap. "Guess how much I like you?"

"How much?"

"Like from over there," she pointed to one of the slides, and stretched her arm out as far as she could manage. "to all the way over here."

"That's a lot," he agreed, a wide smile on his face. "I like you as well."

She took a mouthful of the drink, nodding at his answer. "More than Green Day? Do you love me more than you love Green Day? I wore a Green Day shirt, actually it's my favourite shirt because it was yours- And your jacket smells so good, it smells like you and I never wanna take it off!"


"Yes," she pouted.

Calum leaned forward, reaching for the happiness trapped in glass she was cradling safely in her arms. "You need to give me the bottle."

"But it's making me feel happy!" Her round eyes widened in excitement. There was a bubbly feeling rushing through her every little part of her. "Like you. You make me happy. I wanna touch your face, can I boop your nose?"


"E-rrybody wanna steal my Calum, wanna take his heart away!" She clumisly made her way over to him, poking his nose. "Alright, alright."

Calum looked around, making sure nobody was near or could see what was going on. "You need to keep it down, please."

"You're saying I'm loud?" The happy bubbles were replaced with an instant sadness, Hayley's pink lips pouting at the boy in front of her. "Calum I feel sad."

"Please, Hayley, don't."

"I feel sad and it's your fault, you gave me this drink and it's got sadness in it."

The boy stood up, wiping his sandy hands on his jeans. "This was a stupid idea," he said, holding out his hands for her to take. When he'd helped her up, he brushed the sand off her. "We should go home."

"Yours or mine?" Her moodswings were confusing Calum as she gave him a smile, any signs of her sadness completely vanished with the wind blowing through her tangled hair.

"You need to get some sleep, so I'm going to tuck you into bed."

"Your bed is comfier than mine."

"Why is that?"

"It's got you in it."

Calum blushed, scratching the back of his neck. "That's fair enough."

"Yas bish, I get Calum cuddles! I love you," she giggled, leaning her head against the boy who could honestly feel his heart stopping in his chest. There was such a sober, clear ring to the way she'd let it slip, Calum didn't know what to do with the three words he'd been given.

comment if u think calums bed is comfier than yours lol bye

calum is stupid for getting his girl a bit drunk, like did he learn nothing from before ugh seriously what is he doing -.-

anyway hope you guys are good i have a kik now if u guys wanna chat


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