Sarah's Pov

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I ran for many hours. My lungs burned, my throat on fire. I had to drink. The desire for blood was unimaginable. I couldn't stop myself. I ran to the nearest village, and crept into a house through a window. As I squinted into the darkness I saw a figure. Suddenly someone was screaming! "Who do you think you are coming into this house ?!" Screamed a woman running for the window. I jumped back out the window and began running again, until I tripped over a foot and fell.

"Sorry" a low voice mumbled.
As I collided with the cement ground I felt the skins on my hands tear. I glanced down at my hands and they were were .. bleeding? Suddenly a hand grabbed my arm and lifted me up. As I looked up I saw big, blue eyes, a narrow nose, with a slight bump on it as if it had previously been broken, perfectly shaped lips and a face that looked as if angles had carved it themselves.
"Um- sorry, I didn't mean to-" I began but I was cut short.
"Yeah we'll next time you might want to actually watch where you are going," the man said harshly.
"Excuse me?" I asked
"Next. Time. Watch. Where. You. Are. Going."
My jaw dropped at the ignorance of the man. He shouldered me as he tried to get passed.
"Hey! Hey you! Who do you think you are? you can't just do that to a person!" I yelled after him. He kept walking.
"Excuse me! I am talking to you!" I said again, jogging after him . He turned around and was so close to my face I would see the wrinkles between his eyebrows.

"Will you stop! You are drawing to much attention to me already!" he bellowed.
"Oh shit the sun!" he whined and took of sprinting. As I looked over my shoulder I could see the sun creeping up over the mountains. I struggled to keep up with him but when I did I managed to match his pace.
"Why are you running from the sun?! I asked
"Same reason as you" he said, " I know a place we can hide but we have to go fast if we are to beat the sun" he said. I had nowhere else to go so I decided to go with the extremely ignorant, but extremely handsome man I had met only two minutes ago.

As we reached the door of an old warehouse the sun was beginning to burn my back, and I could feel blisters appearing. The man opened the door.
"Ladies first" he said as he put his hand on the small of my back and escorted me into the building. As I looked around I saw a couch, a freezer and a bed.
"So are you going to explain why you were acting like that and what do you mean 'the same reason you are' when I asked why you were running ?" I asked sourly, with a hint of nervousness in my voice. He turned to me and said coldly "You're a vampire."
His words vibrated around in my head, bouncing of walls so fast I couldn't make sense of them.

"What?" I said but my voice faltered. I cleared my throat and said "What?" again louder.
"You are a vampire," he said slowly and added " like me."
I stood there staring at him. This man, whom I didn't even know, knew that I was a vampire.
"How do you know?" I asked quietly.
"I could feel your presence after you tripped. I could feel the air shift, and an electric sensation. I only feel this when I come in contact with others like me,but that isn't very often" he explained. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone your secret. Anyway I have no one to tell. "
"Thank you," I said staring into his eyes. I didn't understand. How could he be a vampire? His eyes were not blood red like mine, they were ice blue. The most beautiful shade of blue I ever seen in my life.

Suddenly I felt the fire licking my throat again.
"Blood-" I stuttered "I- need- b-blood."
He turned to me holding a blood bag, and threw it to me. I caught it, popped the top of and and began drinking. Almost straight away the pain went, the fire being extinguished by the blood. I felt the cooling liquid flowing down my throat. When I finished I threw the bag onto the ground, and sat down.
"What is your name?" I asked the man.
"Tyler," he said. "What's your's ?" he asked looking at me keenly.
"Sarah" I answered.

He walked towards me and say down beside me.
"How long have you been a- um been a-" I began.
"A vampire?" he finished." About three years now."
"Oh" I said "I just turned last night" I told Tyler. His eyes softened when I told him this.
"I'm sorry," he said. I looked at him and smiled a fraction. Maybe he wasn't as
Ignorant as I thought.
"So," I said breaking the silence, "do we just sit here all day?"
" Basically. We can hunt at nightfall," he said. I nodded.
"You should probably get some rest," Tyler said " you have been running along time."
"I thought vampires don't sleep?" I asked.
"Normally they don't but you are a 'newborn' so your body isn't fully changed or adapted, so your have to sleep or else you won't be able to function. Also you probably noticed that my eyes are not red, like yours. mine changed colour after my first few months of this life," he explained. "You can sleep on the bed over there," he pointed.
"Thank you," I said smiling as I walked towards the bed and lid down.

Okay so guys I'm sorry for taking forever to update but I have been really busy with school, and have had a lot of writers block so I do apologise for that but I promise I will try and update within the next week or so.
Thank you all 💕

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