Sarah's pov

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Hi guys :) so just a warning! There will be a scene in this chapter that may be uncomfortable for some readers, so I suggest that if you are uncomfortable or of a younger audience than you read up as far as I give a second warning as there will be some sexual business in this chapter. Again of you are of a YOUNGER AUDIENCE OR DO NOT FEEL COMFORTABLE READING THINGS LIKE THIS, DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER THAN THE SECOND WARNING I GIVE!! I do not want any negative comments or hate because it has taken me a while to write this in fear of hate comments so please, no hate!

Anyways guys I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think :)


His fangs plunged deep into my neck as he gripped onto my thighs stopping me from moving.

A brief shot of hot pain shot up me neck but it was gone as quickly as it had come. I moaned out in sheer bliss. My hands reached up into his hair tugging it gently.

I felt woozy, as if i was floating in clouds. His grip on me not giving up until he finally retracted his fangs, licking a small crimson drop off his lip.

I closed my eyes in complete embarrassment. When I did open them, I saw his eyes, had turned from a luscious green, to a dark, bold red swirling with emotion.

He grinned down at me.he knew what he had done to me. He made me feel more in one bite, than any man has ever made me feel in my life.I huffed and pushed his chest hopping off the table.

"Go put on jeans or something fit for walking," he said.

I nodded.

Rummaging through my small press at the end of my bed, I found my old pair of pants that I had come here in and a small low v-neck top. It was two sizes too small, but I had nothing else so I made the best of it.

Glancing in the mirror, before I left I threw my hair into a loose, messy ponytail, pulling pieces out to frame my face.

I ran downstairs and saw Ethan leaning against the back door, looking out into the woods. His back muscles sticking out through his t-shirt he had changed into along with a tracksuit pants and runners.

He turned to me and grinned.

"You really need to control your thoughts," he said.

I sighed before walking over to him. He walked out the door ahead if me and I couldn't help but let my eyes wander. His strong arms and shoulders, sticking out. I licked my lips taking him all in. He turned and stretched his hand out for me to take. I smiled at him meekly.

How do you make me feel like this? What I felt for Tyler, or Scott never felt anything like this. I herd a small chuckle coming from Ethan, I turned my head.

"Stop listening to my thoughts!" I complained chucking lightly punching him in the upper arm. He gripped it pretending to be in pain as he moaned.

"oh no! She got me!"

"your such a baby," I laugh.

"oh really?" he asked mischievously.


He grabbed me by the waist before throwing me over him shoulder. I let out a shriek of surprise as he started running. Slapping his lower back. Through the trees he bounded, expertly avoiding trees and rocks. He eventually put me down smiling triumphantly. He didn't let go of my waist.

He pulled me in, gently, lifting my chin with his hands so I was looking up at him. He leaned in very slowly.

Then the terential rain began just as he was inches from my mouth.

"Come on," he said grabbing my hand in his," I know a place to go."

We ran about ten minutes more before we ran into a small cave.

I was at this stage shaking with the cold.

"come here sweetheart, your freezing," he said before taking my hands in his and blowing into them to try and restore some heat, rubbing our hands together.

"I think I'm okay now," I smiled at him, taking my hands away from his. He looked so gorgeous. His eyes had returned to their original green shade, but slightly deeper, his hair hanging low on his face, his top stuck to his body from the rain. I bit my lip.

He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, before placing his hand on the side if my face. He leaned in slowly, gently brushing his lips of mine before completely covering my own. I moan into his mouth and he opened his mouth wider, me mimicking his action. His hands, on my hair gently pulled me onto his lap, as I tugged his hair.

He pulled away, gazing into my eyes.

"sleep sweetheart, you must be tired from our run here."

I did as I was told and nestled into him, his arms wrapping around me keeping me warm. Soon blackness took over.

I woke slowly, my eyes refusing to open.

"your awake!" I heard Ethan. I looked up smiling. "the rain had eased, we can leave as soon as your ready,"

"Okay," I graoned standing up. I stretched before beginning to walk out. I didn't get far before falling over a stone and landing back in Ethan's arms.

"my legs are still asleep, " I laugh. Ethan laughs to before pressing his lips to mine again.


I moaned into his mouth. His hands gripped my hips pressing my tightly to his body.

He pressed my back up against the cold wall of the cave. His lips found me neck, sucking hard enough to leave love bites behind. I moaned, reaching down to grab the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head. I looked down to see a sculpted chest, perfect six pack and v-lines. My hands ventured his body and he was still kissing my neck and chest. He pulled off my still damp top, and rolling down my pants, now only in my underwear.

My hand slowly made its way down to the waistband of his pants. I looked at him looking for approval, him giving a brief nod. I pulled them down slightly before he took over and discarded them across the cave. He removed our underwear.

I placed on of my hands across my chest, to cover my self, but he took my hand and placed it behind his neck.

"you are so beautiful sweetheart," he said in awe.

He resumed his attack on my mouth and neck, while his hand, wandered, down to my inner thigh. I took in a sharp breathe as he teased me. He gripped my hips pulling me onto his hips, so I could wrap my legs around his waist. I kiss him deeper, playing with the curls at the nape of his neck as he enters me.

I moaned out loudly, my hands running along his torso, feeling the taut muscles of his back. Biting back the pain of him in me, I bit down on his shoulder, my nails digging into his back leaving scratch marks.

I moaned louder and louder, as he went harder, deeper into me. Kissing him again, gasping for air

I began kissing down his neck, sucking lightly to leave a mark bug not break the skin. I shoved him back so he was laying on the ground.

This time, I was in the lead. I was in control.

I adjustade my position so I was more comfortable, and gently began moving my hips up and down against his. He threw his head back, moaning out my name. Kissing his chest, his abs,

kissing him.

So what do you guys think? Shout out to my friend who helped me write this chapter! She's amazing!! Anywhoos let me know what your thoughts are; if i should do more if these scenes? if not? I don't know so you guys will all have to let me know! :) sorry that this chapter was a bit longer than usual as well :')
Emma xx

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