Sarah's pov

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The sun was rising fast. Our faces and hands burning in the growing sunlight as we ran to Tyler's warehouse. When we got there Tyler opened the door and shoved me hard inside. I fell my head colliding with the hard cement floor, cutting my head, but I knew I would heal quickly.

"Sarah! How many times have I told you we have to run home?!' Tyler roared in my face loudly. He was so close I could feel his warm breath on my face and smell the fresh blood.

I gagged, wondering if I smelled that bad. His eyes board holes into my own. I cringed away from him feeling his scrutinising gaze on my face.

Tyler saw my reaction and when I looked up I met his eyes, to see his face had softened a touch.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered softly.

I stood up my eyes brimming with tears, but I blinked my eyes rapidly hoping Tyler wouldn't notice.

"I'm going taking a shower," I whispered. I had to bite my Lip to stop my voice from shaking.


I scrubbed my body till it was red. As soon as I got in the shower, the tears that had been threatening to fall from my eyes came out, and I couldn't stop them. I sat in the shower crying for atleast two hours.

'whats wrong with me?' i thought. I had only been changed with two days. My emotions were heightened and I couldn't control the sobs escaping my lips.

I stepped out of the shower and slowly began to dry myself. In my hurry to leave Tyler I had forgotten to bring clothes with me into the small, cramped bathroom, which had a small shower, and a sink. There was no need for a toilet and they're was a small rack beside the shower.

I unlocked the door with a loud click. I peeped out the door but Tyler was no where to be seen. I decided it was safe enough to go out and change without him walking in on me.

I changed into one of tyler's tops which was too big because my top was all blood, and a pair of his shorts that hung off me.

I tied my hair up in a loose ponytail after towel drying it. I heard the door of the warehouse open and felt Tyler standing behind me.

I turned to look him in the face and was surprised to see his face going a bright shade of red.

"you okay?" I asked cautiously.

" you are wearing my clothes," he said. It sounded more like a question than a statement. 

"yeah my clothes are all blood and I have nothing else," I told him turning away so we wouldn't notice my face getting slightly red.

I felt his eyes on me as he walked around me. His eyes scrutinising every detail of my face. I refused to meet his gaze.  I felt his finger gently grasp my chin as he made me look up at him. My heart raced. His eyes were swirling with emotion. I had never seen eyes like his. The piercing blue had grown a darker shade. I was waiting for his outburst but it never came.

I felt like I was standing there for hours but it had been mere seconds

Tyler cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry" he said

"what?" I was surprised. I didn't think Tyler was the type who appologised very easily.

"I'm sorry," he said more sure of himself this time.

I could feel a small smile growing on my face.

"it's okay," I said. He beamed at me. His smiled so wide it made butterflies in my stomach. I could see crinkles by his eyes and giggled slightly. I hadnt seen Tyler so happy.


I woke up suddenly covered in sweat.  I had dreamt of the man who turned me. He had come for me to kill me. As I stirred I felt the hard body beside me shift on its side and an arm tighten around my waist. I hadn't remembered getting into bed with Tyler but it was clear that it was him that was beside me. I realised his scent straight away. He smelled like mint, soap, and man. I found his scent comforting.  It relaxed me. I snuggled against tyler's chest, strangely I felt safe in his arms.

"Sarah go to sleep," I heard him husky murmur. His voice gave me shivers. I smiled to myself. Was I really feeling an attraction to Tyler? I wasn't sure, but one thing I was sure of was that I was safe.

I am a horrible writer I am so sorry for not updating! I pinky promise to update atleast once a week from now one.
So does Sarah really find him attractive?  is Tyler attracted to Sarah? Hope so! XD please comment and give me your thoughts for this chapter.
Sorry if it is a bit messy with misspellings but it was rushed because I was in the middle of homework while writing. I shall see you in the next chapter my beautifuls
Emma xx

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