Weird Feelings

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Minhyuk's POV

               As I was walking back to the library, I thought of Yoonhae's flushed face. *Damn, she looked so funny.* I thought as I smiled to myself. However, it faltered immediately into a frown as I saw Taeyong. I was about to head towards him when I spotted Yoonhae coming back. As she was sitting down, she gave a quick scan around the library, probably looking for me but I was already behind a pillar so yeah. After that, she turned to him and they continued studying and I immediately frowned at how close they were sitting to each other. "Tsk." I clucked my tongue at the sight of that. I don't know why but it irks me when I see them together and I flipped the moment I saw her making that stupid face just now. Like, he was just patting her head. Pfft.

(Writer-nim: Oho, someone jelly.)

-A few hours later-

Yoonhae's POV

               After 3 hours of studying, we decided to call it a day and left the library. Currently, we are now waiting for the train at the subway station. "You're really good in English. I'm impress." said Taeyong with a smile. "Well, the same for you in Math." I said as I smiled back. "I can't wait for the exams to be over. Cause after that, it'll be the school festival." said Taeyong. "Yeah, me too! I'm so excited for it." I said in agreement. Just then, the train he's taking arrived. "Well then, I'll see you on Monday." he said as he got up. "Yeap, see you." I said as I waved at him. He got into the train and waved before the train doors closed and started moving.

               "Finally he's gone." said a voice. I turned to glare at the owner's voice. "Don't look at me like that." he scowled and then moved to sit beside me. "Were you following me the whole time?" I asked. "We are heading towards the same destination anyway." he replied. I then took out my earpiece and plugged it into my phone. "Hey, are you gonna ignore me?" he said as he looked at me scrolling through my playlist. I stopped scrolling, looked at him with a poker face, played a song and looked back in front. Honestly, I just wanted to calm my heart down. It's beating so fast right now. After what happened in the toilet, I'm just confuse. I sighed then looked in front. Through the reflection, I saw Minhyuk pouting as he has his arms folded and legs crossed. Weirdly, his reaction made me shake my head and smile in amusement.

-A while later-

               I had reached home not long ago and is currently in my room, combing my hair in front of the mirror. Minhyuk was sitting at my desk chair, reading yet another book. *He been reading quite a lot lately.* I thought. Just then, my phone received a text message. I stopped combing and placed the comb down on the vanity. I smiled as soon as I saw the name that popped out. "Which idiot smiles at the phone like that." said Minhyuk. "Just mind your own business will you." I said as I shot a quick glare before replying Taeyong's text.

               "You really like him, huh." said Minhyuk softly. "Huh?" I said as I turned to look at him. *What did he say?* I thought as I stared at him, waiting for a reply. "Nothing." he said as he flipped a page. *I'm quite sure he said something. Oh well.* I thought as I shrugged. I then got up and went over to my bed. "Hey, I'm going to turn in now." I said. "Yeah, ok." he said as he closed the book and went to lie down. *Hmm.* I thought as I switched off the lights and laid down. Minhyuk was acting kinda strange but it's probably just me. I shook my head and turned to the side as I pulled the comforter over me.

-A few days later-

               The last few days were quite intense but at last, exams are finally over. "We're free!!" exclaimed Hyeju as she flailed her arms around. "Now it's only one more day till the school's festival! I'm so excited!" said Hyeju in excitement. "I know, I know. Calm down, will you." I chuckled as I caught one of her flailing arms. "Sorry." Hyeju said with a giggle. "Ah, I forgot to ask you the other day. How was the study date?" asked Hyeju with a sly smile on her face. "Well, it went... fine." I said. "Yeah, so fine that you'd probably ace the exams huh?" she replied with a smirk. "Stop it." I laughed as I playfully punched her arm.

               We continued talking until we reached the bus stop where we parted. I was walking along the road up to my house when I saw a familiar figure in front. "Hey." I said. "Hey." replied Minhyuk. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Erm, fresh air. Can't expect me to sit all day in your room right?" he said to which I shrugged at. I continued walking and Minhyuk followed, walking beside me. The walk home was rather quiet. Somehow, my heart started beating fast. *Why is it beating so fast? Omg, stop.* I thought as I tried taking slow deep breaths, "You ok?" asked Minhyuk who looked worried. "H-huh? Yeah. I'm fine. Just tired, i guess." I replied with a smile.

Minhyuk's POV

               I nodded at her reply. *She's acting kinda weird.* I thought. The air was rather cold tonight, I thought I could freeze to death while waiting for her but I'm already dead anyway pfft. And yes, I was waiting for her. It was getting quite late and she wasn't home yet so I went out to wait for her. I didn't tell her that cause it'd probably weird her out so I'd rather lie. Anyway, I'm still figuring out why I feel this way towards her. I mean, I can't possibly be... Nah.

               Soon enough, we reached her house and she went up to her room after greeting her mum. Her mum, I swear she's weird at times. No offense, but sometimes, I just feel like she's looking at me straight in the eye like she could see me which gives me goosebumps. However, every time I think that way, she proves me otherwise but I still give a quick bow anyway. That aside, I followed Yoonhae up to her room. She was putting her bag down and then went to the bathroom. I then went to sit on her bed and my eyes flickered towards the calendar. *The festival huh. How I wish I could be there physically.* I thought as I sighed.

               "You ok?" I looked up to see Yoonhae looking at me while tying her hair up. I didn't even notice her leaving the bathroom. "Hmm? Yeah. I'm fine." I replied. "You sure?" she asked gently as she sat beside me. "Yeah." I replied while looking at her. This is one of the few things I like about her. She's genuinely caring. Not to mention those beautiful honey brown eyes that shines with flecks of yellow when she's out in daylight. (Writer-nim: Ehem.)

               Just then, I snapped back to reality. *Omg. I'm staring too much.* I thought as I blinked. I cleared my throat and looked away. "So, the festival's soon huh?" I said, changing the topic. "Yeah." she replied. I sneaked a glance to see her looking down with a blush across her cheeks. *Is she blushing? Oh no, too cute.* I thought as I felt myself blush. *I need to cool myself down.* I thought. "Erm, I'll go down for a while." I said and quickly left the room.

Yoonhae's POV

               I stared at the door after Minhyuk left in a hurry. I then laid down and brought my hands to my burning cheeks. *The way he looked at me just now... Handsome.* I thought. "Ah, why am I being like this." I muttered. Just then a thought came to me. "Nah, it' can't be." I said as I shook my head. I then grabbed a pillow and laid my head. I sighed as the thought pops in my head again.

               *Am I in love with him?*

MY GUARDIAN ANGEL [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora