Still Alive

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Yoonhae's POV

               "Stop getting in my way." I sighed as I recalled that sentence. "Ok, what's up? You've been sighing since forever and you've been frowning as well. What's bothering you?" asked Hyeju who was eating her strawberry yogurt. "Nothing. It's just... Today was kind off a weird day." I replied. "How so?" she asked. "Well, Taeyong asked me out to the library and he acted all weird and then this girl just came up to me, telling me to stop getting in her way. It's weird." I said. "Wait, who is this girl and he? Who's the he?" she asked. *Opps.* I thought as I realized I accidentally mentioned Minhyuk. "Erm, err the girl, it was..." I said as I scanned the cafeteria. "There, that one. The one sitting near the drink stall with 2 other girls." I said as I spotted the girl from earlier.

               "Oh, her." she said with a scoff. I was about to ask her something when she quickly added. "Wait, her? What did she want with you?" asked Hyeju as she had her full attention on me now. "Well, I don't know. She just left before I could even ask and who's she?" I asked. "You don't know her? Gosh, you really need to keep updated on what's going on around the school." said Hyeju as she shook her head.

               "Anyways, she's Park Sieun, a few classes down from ours. She's kinda popular but whatever. She's not as pretty." said Hyeju as she shrugged her shoulders and continued eating her yogurt. *Park Sieun...* I thought as I glanced over.

-At home-

               I've arrived home an hour ago and that guy is no where to be found. It's not like i'm worried or anything it's just, he was acting weird the last time I saw him so yeah. *Seriously, where is he?* I thought as I looked outside the window. I shrugged then went to bed. *What is wrong with me?* I sighed as I shifted around trying to sleep.

               At last I sat up and almost got a heart attack. There he was on the floor, sitting by the foot of my bed with his shoulders slumped. "Hey... You ok?" I asked slowly as I was scared he would get all worked out again like earlier. "I don't know." he replied softly. By the look of it, he is obviously feeling down about something. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked. "Not really." he replied and I heard a soft sob. *Is he crying?* I thought as my eyes widened. I then got up and went over to him slowly.

               He had his head down but it was obvious that he was crying. I then sat beside him quietly. "It's unfair." he spoke after a while. *What?* I thought as I looked at him. "Why is it always the same?" he continued. He then slowly looked at me and said, "Why can't I be happy?" The moment I saw the sadness in his eyes, something inside me just broke and my heart ached.

               My body then moved on it's own and I found myself wrapping my arms around him. "It's ok..." I said soothingly. I didn't know if that helped but I just wanted to calm him down for now. I felt him tense up at first but he soon relaxed and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. My heart was pounding and I had butterflies in my stomach but it felt nice at the same time.

               After a while, he pulled away and wiped the remaining tears. "I'm sorry for acting up earlier today." he said. "No, it's fine." I replied, shaking my head. "And thanks for the hug. It was really comforting." he said as he looked at me and smiled. *Omg, what is this feeling?* I thought as my heart skipped. He had just finished crying and to smile with his eyes a little puffy, it was... rather cute.

          I then blinked as I snapped out of my thoughts. "W-well. No problem, i guess." I said as I stuttered. "Really? Then, can I have another hug?" he asked as he spread his arms out. "W-what? No way. Pervert." I said, flustered at his request to which he chuckled at. "It's weird how I feel comfortable with you and not any other girls like before." he said with a soft smile.

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