A few days later, the whole school was busy with preparations for the festival. "What's your class doing again?" asked Minhyuk who had decided to come along today. "A haunted house." I replied. "Hmm, not bad." he remarked as he looked around at the decorations. "Oh, we're out of coloured papers." said a classmate of mine. "Can someone help get some more please?" he asked. "I'll go get it." I said. "Oh, thank you." he said with a sheepish smile. I smiled back before heading out with Minhyuk following close. As I was heading to the art room, I was greeted by a few people with friendly hi and hellos. "You're quite popular huh?" said Minhyuk. "You only noticed now?" I said with a smirk. "Getting cocky now are we?" he replied with a chuckle.

               Soon enough, we reached the art room. I was about to open the door when someone beat me to it. "Oh, annyeong." I greeted as I see the familiar face in front of me. "Oh, annyeong Yooonhae-ssi." he greeted back. "Since when did you two know each other?" asked a confused Minhyuk. "Are you getting some stuffs here?" he asked. "Well, yes." I replied as I took a quick look at his name tag. *Yoo Kihyun* I said mentally. "What's your class doing?" he asked. "A haunted house. What about yours?" I asked. "A photo booth." he replied. "Pfft. That's so boring." said Minhyuk. *Aish, this guy.* I thought as I mentally glared at him. "Well then. I should get going and not waste your time either." he said as he moved out of the way. "See you around." he said before walking away.

               "Ok, can you answer my question now?" asked Minhyuk the moment Kihyun was out of sight. "We've only known each other recently." I replied. "Hmm, I see." he said. *Now where are those coloured papers?* I thought as I looked around. *Oh, there they are.* I thought as I spotted a stack at the top of the shelf. I tried to get it off but it was a little out of reach for me even after I tip-toed. "Here." said Minhyuk as he effortlessly took it off the shelf. "Oh, thank you..." I said as my voice trailed away. I had turned around to thank him but found myself directly in front of his neck. Minhyuk was also surprised by how close we were. My heart was pounding so loudly I was afraid he might actually hear it.

               "Ahem, um h-here." said Minhyuk as he pushed the papers to me. "T-thank you." I said quietly as I looked away. "Well, um, we should get going." I said and quickly left the room. *Omg, that was so close.* I thought as I took deep breaths to calm myself down. Once I reached the classroom, decorations quickly continued and soon, our class was done. "We're finally done! Good job guys!" said one of my classmate. The rest cheered as we looked at the end results. "My my. It does look like an actual haunted house." said a voice. It was Mrs Jang who was standing by the door smiling proudly. "I can't wait to see how you guys will carry this out. I'm looking forward to it, good luck!" cheered Mrs Jang and left.

               "Now we just need to transform into scary ghosts and we'll do great!" said a classmate and everyone agreed. Soon enough, everyone packed up and went home. "I'm so excited for the event. It's going to be so much fun!" said Hyeju excitedly. "Calm down girl." I said as I giggled at how enthusiastic Hyeju was. "And you guys will have a real ghost as well." said Minhyuk with a smirk. I responded by returning the smirk. "Well then, see ya next week!" said Hyeju as we parted ways. I was about to continue walking when Hyeju turned to say something. "Oh, and don't forget to tell me how it goes tomorrow." said Hyeju with a teasing smile. "Ok, i will. Now go before you miss your bus." I replied. Finally she waved and left.

               "Tomorrow?" asked Minhyuk as he looked at me. "Yeah. I'm going to the library with Taeyong remember?" I replied. "Oh. Right." replied Minhyuk as he looked down. After that, he went quiet and didn't speak a word. *What's wrong with him?* I thought. Once I reached home, I had my dinner and was now in my room, picking out clothes for tomorrow.

               "Hmm, should I wear this one, or this?" I said to myself. "Minhyuk ah. This or this?" I asked as I turned to Minhyuk while holding the outfits on either hands. "Ya, you're just going there to study. It's not a date." said Minhyuk. "I know but I'm studying with my crush. Not just anyone. So I have to look my best too." I said. "Urgh. Whatever. That one." said Minhyuk. "Ok!" I said and placed it aside. Just then, my phone beeped. I looked to see that I received a text from Taeyong and quickly opened it.

               "Text me when you've reached tomorrow. I'll see you soon. (:" read the text. I smiled and quickly sent him a reply. *I'm meeting Taeyong tomorrow. Oh gosh, i'm so excited!* I thought as I let out a giggle. "Have you gone mad?" said Minhyuk. "What?" I asked. "You look scary standing, there smiling to yourself and giggling like a mad person." he said. "Yah. That's so rude." I replied with a frown. "But that's how I see it." chuckled Minhyuk. "Urgh, whatever. I'm gonna turn in for the night. I need my beauty sleep." I said with a smile and tucked myself in bed. "Annoying."

               That was the last thing i heard Minhyuk muttering to himself before I fell asleep. 

MY GUARDIAN ANGEL [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz