Ch. 15 - Vacation

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They both just looked at me with so much love and immediately pulled me into a big group hug. "Okay, okay, can't really breathe over here." They let go and gave me a kiss on the forehead before Ma started talking. "Thank you baby, we really needed that. And you have nothing to worry about, you will never lose us. We promise." Mom also spoke up, "you are the deciding factor in our relationship. If you want to call it quits one day, that's fine. We will be heartbroken, but we will understand and still support you."

I shook my head this time, all this big girl talk was getting to me and I felt myself slipping. "I neber wanna go away, I always be wit you guys." I was still sitting in momma's lap and she hugged me tight, "we don't want you to go away either, you are apart of our family and always will be, I love you baby girl." Mommy pinched my cheeks, "I love you too baby girl." Smiling, I pulled them both over to me and cuddled into them both before saying telling them both I loved them.

Melissa POV

After our big heart to heart out on the porch, I decided to cook up some breakfast while Amelia nursed Lucy and changed her into her pull-up.

We all ate breakfast and got ready for our day. We weren't doing much today except going to the Running Reindeer Ranch. Lucy is little so we thought she would enjoy seeing the animals, big Lucy would love it too, but little Lucy would be ecstatic.

We make it to the ranch and already Lucy is trying to unbuckle herself. I give her a disapproving look before saying, "Little miss, you know better and to wait for Momma or I to come get you." Putting her head down she said, "I know, I sowwy mommy." I walk around the car to pick her up and put her on my hip, I tell her, "it's alright," I gave her a kiss on the forehead, "me and momma just always want to keep you safe." She nodded her head before laying it on my chest.

Lucy was so excited to see all the reindeer and be able to pet them. Since she didn't believe in Santa she didn't ask us a thousand times if these were his like the other little children were doing. Weirdly enough, it was a blessing. I'm still kind of bummed that her biological mother had to ruin that part of her childhood. She made it so shitty, you'd think she'd at least let her believe in Santa.

I didn't even realize I was clenching my first until Lucy came up to me giving me a hug with her arms around my waist. It was muffled since her face was in my stomach, but I heard her. "You okay mommy?" Crouching down to her, I push her hair back before telling her yes and asking why she asked. "Cuz your fist was squeezin togeter real tight." Sighing, I didn't even know Lucy was paying that close attention to me. I look up to Amelia who is also giving me a concerned look before smiling back at Lucy. "I'm okay baby girl! I was just stretching out my hand muscles so I'm prepared for all of the reindeer petting we still gotta finish!"

Luckily for me this caused her to giggle and walk away to the next reindeer to pet. Amelia held me back when I started to go with Lucy. "What was that about?" She asked me with concern still written on her face. "I just got to thinking about Lucy and how her biological mother ruined Santa. All of the other kids are so excited to think these are Santa's reindeer and Lucy doesn't get to experience that." Amelia rubbed between my shoulder blades. "I know baby, but she's still having fun, her mother hasn't ruined everything for her. Now come on, no more melancholy today." Nodding, we hurried back to Lucy who immediately started talking about how the reindeer drooled on her hand.

Overall, this has been a successful first day and as we are heading back to the car Lucy asked for uppies. So I picked her up and she laid her head on my chest. Once her butt hit her car seat, she was out like a light.

Lucy POV

I woke up when we made it back to the cabin and waited for one of my moms to come get me. Momma came and got me out of my seat and said that Mommy should have dinner done in a little bit, that I could go play in my room if I wanted.

So I made my way to my room and remembered I needed to take my medication. I went to my hidey pocket and took my anti-anxiety and headache medicine before I started to play. I decided to put the medicine in a drawer near my changing table that was empty in case momma or mommy needed to get in my bag.

Eventually momma came to get me for dinner. Which mommy made mac'n'cheese with summer sausage and broccoli, which is my favorite dish!

After dinner, we laid on the couch where I decided I wanted to nurse with Mommy while they watched a movie. I latched on and Mommy started scratching my head. Eventually I started getting tired, so I decided to make my way over to Momma to nurse since she had milk that made me instantly tired. As I nursed, she scratched my head just like Mommy does and I felt myself fall into my slumber. I was still awake enough and realized I was being carried up the stairs. I was changed out of my pull-up into a diaper and set into my crib where Mommy and Momma gave me a kiss on my forehead and told me they loved me. I wanted to say it back, but I was too tired.

I have an idea of what my next chapter will be, but if you have any suggestions as to what you'd like to see in this story, please comment and let me know! Thanks!

The EscapeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon