Chapter 40

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"I can do it, I know I can!" Emberpaw exclaimed. "You can trust me."

"You're sure you can do it?" Patchfire asked. "I don't want you hurting your paw again."

"I will do it." Emberpaw had a determined look in her eye.

"All right," agreed Patchfire, and the two cats left the camp.

Midnightsky watched them. It was final assessment day for Emberpaw and Riverpaw, and Emberpaw had been really persistent.

I believe she can handle it, she thought. Let's just hope she doesn't come back with her paw practically destroyed.

Emberpaw had been working hard for the last quarter moon, though. She had been determined to become a warrior at the same time as Riverpaw so she had trained for long amounts of time, never taking a break. Her paw seemed fine, so Midnightsky had let her continue doing that.

Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to tell Wheatwing about Blackpaw today. Wheatwing had been busy the last quarter moon so Midnightsky hadn't had the chance to talk to her.

I'm busy too, I guess, she thought, with being a medicine cat and all.

Silkfrost padded out of the warriors den, yawning. When Wavepelt had seen her wound, she said that the tabby would be off patrols until Midnightsky claimed she was okay.

"How are you feeling?" Midnightsky asked her sister.

"Pretty good," Silkfrost replied. "I think that tomorrow I'll be able to resume patrols."

"Great," Wavepelt mewed, obviously overhearing her. "I'll make sure that happens."

Silkfrost nodded. "Okay."

Midnightsky looked around the camp to see if Wheatwing was there. Nope probably on patrol. I'll talk to her when she gets back.

"Oh, and uh, Midnightsky?" Wavepelt asked. "Could I talk to you in the medicine den?"

Surprised, Midnightsky blinked. "Sure."

They walked over into the medicine den.

"Did you have a dream?" Midnightsky asked.

Wavepelt nodded, sighing. "It was horrible. I saw the camp — rogues were everywhere, I couldn't distinguish any Clanmates in the sea of cats. Blood was everywhere — I just — I just couldn't... do you think that it was a sign?"

"I think it was," Midnightsky replied grimly. "The rogues have been planning their attack for moons. And I think the time is very, very soon."


Midnightsky was at the fresh-kill pile when Emberpaw finally came in with Patchfire. Even though Emberpaw was limping a little bit, she had a huge grin on her face.

I think she passed, Midnightsky thought.

Riverpaw had already entered camp and had been waiting for them impatiently.

"Finally, you're here!" he exclaimed.

Patchfire quickly ran to Flamestar's den and in a few heartbeats the ThunderClan leader leapt onto Highrock.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting!" he yowled.

Midnightsky trotted over, seeing Emberpaw and Riverpaw excitedly dash to the front.

When all the cats had gathered, Flamestar began.

"Today is a special day," he meowed. "Two apprentices have completed their final assessments and it is time to see if they are worthy to become warriors. Emberpaw, Riverpaw, come forward."

Warriors: A New Beginning #2: Midnight RisingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora