Chapter 13

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Midnightpaw made sure to stay up until moon-high. Then, seeing that Wheatwing was sleeping, she slowly crept out of the prison. There, bathed in the moonlight, she saw the tabby.

"Let's go behind the prison," the tabby whispered. Midnightpaw followed her around. When they were sitting, the tabby glanced at Midnightpaw.

"I wanted to talk to you." Her gaze was sad. "What's your name?"

"...Midnightpaw." Midnightpaw wasn't sure why this rogue was talking to her, but she seemed fine.

"You're probably wondering why I'm doing this," the rogue murmured.

Yeah. "What's your name?" Midnightpaw asked the tabby.

"Leafdawn," she said. "How did you get here?"

"They got me," Midnightpaw explained, staring at the ground. "I'm from ThunderClan."

"You are?" Leafdawn's sad gaze seemed to brighten a little. She took a deep breath and glanced around nervously. "I don't like this Clan." Her voice was a hushed whisper. "I want to leave. Leave with you."

"Where?" Midnightpaw gazed at her. She felt a connection to Leafdawn as if StarClan was telling her to trust the rogue. And she did.

"To ThunderClan." Leafdawn closed her eyes. "I know you don't trust me. I'm not expecting you to accept. I just want to live Clan life the way it should be."

"Leafdawn..." Midnightpaw saw Leafdawn's pleading gaze. "I promise that you can come to ThunderClan. But on one condition."

"Anything." Leafdawn's eyes sparkled with determination.

"You need to help me and my mother escape."

"Is your mother the tabby?" Leafdawn asked.

Midnightpaw nodded. "Her name's Wheatwing."

"Okay." Leafdawn smiled a little. "I promise to help you and Wheatwing."

"And you'll get to come to ThunderClan." Midnightpaw nuzzled her. "Now I need to get some sleep. I have work to do tomorrow!"


"Get up," Blackpaw said.

Midnightpaw yawned. Her chat with Leafdawn had tired her out. Hopefully, I won't be too tired. Otherwise, Frostclaw will probably kill me.

"What are we doing?" she grumbled.

"I have no idea," Blackpaw grunted. "Now let's go."

They left the prison and Midnightpaw saw Frostclaw at her usual spot, talking with — Leafdawn! Midnightpaw guessed she was trying to get information.

"Oh, she's here." Frostclaw glanced at Midnightpaw. "This is the Clan cat I'm training."

Leafdawn nodded. "You must be doing well." But when Frostclaw and Blackpaw weren't looking, she rolled her eyes at Midnightpaw.

Midnightpaw suppressed a smile.

"You're going hunting today," Frostclaw told her. "And no, Blackpaw, I'm sending an actual warrior with her. Hmm... Leafdawn, this could be your chance to get to know her. Make sure she doesn't escape. And stay within the territory borders. We don't want Clan cats recognizing her."

Midnightpaw could not believe her luck. She tried to look casual and glanced at Leafdawn, who too was acting casual.

"Oh! Okay Frostclaw," she meowed. "I'll make sure she doesn't do anything sneaky." She glared at Midnightpaw, but Midnightpaw knew it was fake. "Is there a specific place where we're going?"

Warriors: A New Beginning #2: Midnight RisingWhere stories live. Discover now