Chapter 7

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"That was exhausting," Midnightpaw commented to Silkpaw after they had finished battle training.

It was now almost sundown.

"Rayfrost said the two of us could have a piece of prey," Silkpaw told her sister. "I feel like a squirrel. What do you think?"

"Sure." Midnightpaw shrugged.

"Okay!" Silkpaw bounded over to the fresh-kill pile and came back dragging a squirrel. "Here!" She split it and pushed a section to Midnightpaw.

"Thanks." Midnightpaw eagerly bit into the meat.

Just then she heard pawsteps. She looked toward the sound and saw Vinepaw.

"Hi," Vinepaw greeted. "How did your training go?"

"...Good," Midnightpaw mewed.

"I was going to ask something, but it's fine now. Bye!" Vinepaw disappeared into the apprentices den.

"Well, that was strange," Midnightpaw remarked.

"He's just asking how your training went," Silkpaw said. "It's not like he likes you or anything."

"What? No! How could he like me?" Midnightpaw blurted out. "He's kin to me!" That seemed weird.

Silkpaw shrugged. "I guess that's true. That's just... let's stop talking about it."

Midnightpaw nodded, taking another bite out of the squirrel.

Silkpaw licked up her portion of the squirrel, glancing one more time at Vinepaw.

Midnightpaw finished hers as well.

"Midnightpaw! Silkpaw!" Mintleaf entered the clearing. "Have you seen Flowerpaw?"

"She said she was going herb collecting... She hasn't come back?" Alarm spiked Midnightpaw's pelt.

'It shouldn't take her that long to gather herbs!" Mintleaf began pacing. "I need to talk to Flamestar." He dashed to Flamestar's den.

Midnightpaw said nothing. I don't know what to think. I kind of not like Flowerpaw, but she was actually nice to me for once... Indecisiveness flared in her.

Moments later Flamestar, Mintleaf, and Wavepelt exited the leaders den.

"Flowerpaw is missing," Flamestar reported. "I'm going to send out a search party. Smokestorm, Wheatwing, Barkstripe, Featherheart, and Midnightpaw."

Midnightpaw's eyes widened. She had been chosen?

"I'd also like to go," Mintleaf put in.

"Then go," Flamestar allowed him. "You know where she was going."

"See you." Midnightpaw nuzzled her sister, then raced to join the patrol already heading out.

"I hope we find her," Barkstripe murmured. Midnightpaw remembered that he was Flowerpaw's father.

Mintleaf's gaze also reflected worry.

"I've found her trace," Wheatwing declared and started following the scent line.

Midnightpaw scented Flowerpaw's scent. It wasn't fearful, but it was tinged with worry. Is she worried about not having an escort? Rayfrost proposed one, but she refused...

"I don't smell blood," Wheatwing continued. "The scent seems normal."

"So far..." Mintleaf whispered.

Does he know what will happen? Midnightpaw wondered. He seems to.

Featherheart must have noticed her worried look because she nuzzled the apprentice.

Warriors: A New Beginning #2: Midnight RisingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora