A fox would con you and leave you for dead, the first lesson Mira ever learned was her before anybody else.

No matter what.

She could hear conversations at least a mile from her if she concentrated but the place grew quiet, despite the gentle music playing in the background.

"One straight shot please," She told the bartender. Unlike the other bars you would stumble upon about ten or fifteen miles away from here would request an ID for her order.

Mira stared at her reflection in the shot glass, she didn't look a day older than nineteen.

Which was to be fair her actual age, Ten years of training surely makes you look tough and older because Mira was incredibly intimidating to gaze at.

Today there was going to be a full moon, her mother hated the full moon because of the wolves but Mira never encountered any of said wolves, something about them not coming out during this time.

Bummer, she thought when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she snapped her neck at the the person, her hand holding onto the sword strapped behind her waist.

The person visibly froze.

"S-sorry is this the pub?" he asked looking around.

Mira sized the guy, he looked sort of pale and tired, he gave the vibe of a vampire but he was talking to her so, it seemed highly unlikely.

Maybe a Seelie?

"Yes," she muttered releasing her grip on her sword.

"Oh okay.." he said absent-mindedly walking off, she noticed him try to ask for something but everyone just avoided him, he finally decided to sit on a sofa, and she noticed everyone gave way for him.

Mira was intrigued immediately.

A smile crawled to the corner of her lips as she walked over to his seat and helped herself to a spot.

"I didn't catch your name, I'm Mira" she smiled sweetly. "I'm Klaus," he said trying to imitate her smile but failed.

She tried to talk to him but he seemed a little bit out of it. Two guys walk in and Mira immediately senses they are werewolves.

She stared at her wristwatch, it was almost time for the full moon. She was intrigued by what would happen and what was up with this guy beside her.

"Want to get a drink?" Mira offered.

"I think maybe I should go to the hospital, I don't feel so good," Klaus said looking very disoriented.

Why would a vampire go to a hospital? "Why would a vampire go to a hospital?" She asked him but the music suddenly got louder.

"Huh?" he called out. She waves him off.

"Can I use your phone? I can't find mine" He begged.

But before Mira could hand the phone over a hand grabbed that of Klaus "Get up" his deep dark voice was heard clearly in the music.

Klaus looked physically frightened of him.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked with a glare, the guy sideyed Mira. "Fox"

"Vampire" she retorted back and slapped His hands off Klaus.

"I wouldn't get involved If I were you?" He threatened Mira, she scoffed and her eyes glowed.

"Zagan, don't hurt her she's Innocent," Klaus said immediately standing between them. Zagan rolled his eyes. "It's almost eleven and you know the rules" he grabbed his arm again leading him out of the pub.

Suddenly he felt himself being dragged back, his grip on Klaus gone, and a punch that sent him flying to a fence.

Klaus gasped.

Mira's fox aura was in full display and she wasn't even holding onto her sword. She was channeling, the anger from the fight with her mother earlier.

Zagan got up, his eyes completely dark with rage and bloodlust.

He blurred to her and grabbed her head, biting down on her neck. Mira groaned, the blade made no sound as she buried it in his chest. Of course that won't kill him.

Just made him angrier.

"Are you both insane?!" A girl suddenly asked glaring at the three of them, Klaus in a corner in fear, Mira with her sword inside Zagan who's bleeding out.

Mira kicked him off the sword and he fell onto the ground, still bleeding.

"I'd leave if I were you," Mira said taking long strides towards Klaus.

"So you can tear up this place, there are humans inside" she cautioned.

"What business is it to you?" She asked instead pointing the sword at her. "Klaus we should leave"

"Invisique" The lady suddenly said as a group of people drunkenly walked passed them, they didn't seem to notice.

"What did you do?" Mira asked looking around in confusion. "Saving your lives, has neither of you three idiots heard of the council?" She scolded.

Zagan got up looking more outraged than before, he blurred towards Mira.
"Vasmatos sorox," She said and Zagan's neck broke.

"Why do witches have to clean your messes?" She grunted to herself, she glared at Klaus who flinched unable to decide if she was scarier than Zagan or Mira. Or both.

"Get your vampire friend out of here"

They all hear a howl.

"That can't be" The witch muttered to herself she ran off towards the woods, and Mira placed her sword back behind her.

"Hey Klaus you should scram, it's a full moon and" Mira suddenly groaned falling to her feet, her eyes were glowing and her fox aura seemed larger than usual, like it was another person hovering over her.

Klaus was so scared he froze.

He froze right there as Mira cried out in pain, her nails suddenly started enlarging and her teeth started protruding abnormally.

Mira suddenly stopped screaming and pulled out her sword saying something in Japanese like a chant, walking towards Klaus.

"Motis" He heard and Mira flew into a tree or rather was thrown into one. "What are you standing there doing? Run!" The witch from earlier said.

Klaus scrambled over to her and she suddenly realized something "You're not blurring or fighting and you look scared and you're shaking" She said looking at Klaus's shaking hands. "You're human"

"Yes," he said and the witch yelled, the long sword was in her shoulder, and crazy-blown fox Mira was behind her.

"Incendia" the witch screamed but it did not affect Mira. "Hi wa kitsune ni eikyō o ataemasen (translation: fire does not affect the Kitsune)" Mira said before she pulled the sword out, the witch muttered something before Mira slit her throat.

"Anatan no ban( your turn)" Mira pointed to Klaus.



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