Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 of season 2. Enjoy!! Btw, I got lazy to write an ending about all the vampires knowing you're a Nine-tail so from now on, they know your secret. Including Yui

-Your POV-

Reiji crossed his leg over the other and pushes his glasses up "This, so early in the morning?" He asked the triplets and Yui. "Disgraceful"

"Jeez, just when it was getting good," Ayato thought aloud

Kanato agreed "What gives you the right?"

"You should've joined us, Reiji," Laito said. "Bitch-chan writhing in agony while we all swarm upon her," he sighs at the thought, slightly blushing "Just the thought gets me excited."

"Tch. You fuckin' perv," both Subaru and I muttered

Shu spoke "Shut up. You're ruining my music."

"My, how utterly expected," Reiji thought aloud

"Why don't you be more honest?" Laito asks

"Shut up!" Subaru retorted

"Please, be quiet," Kanato stares at Teddy "Can't you see you're upsetting Teddy?"

Ayato wraps his arm around Yui's shoulder and leans closer to her. "Damn it all. I'm parched! I can't take it any longer"

"Ayato, this is not a place for such conduct. You should be ashamed," Reiji scolded

"Shut up and stop getting in my way!"

"Such an asshole," I said aloud, refering to Ayato

He turns his head to me "What was that?!"

"What?" I asked him "I didn't say anything..."

"Tch. You've gotten attitude the longer you stayed with us," he said

"Now now, we are all cramped inside a car at the moment," Laito interrupted "Don't make a fuss, you two"

"This is all your fault!" Kanato blamed, turning to Yui

"At least I'm not involved in this shit..." I thought. "They sucked Yui's blood more than me"

Suddenly, screeching was heard from outside. Ths next thing I knew, the car flipped over

"KYAAAAA!!" Yui screamed

The car crashed onto a nearby tree and exploded, causing a huge fire. Luckily, all of us teleported out of there in time with Yui getting carried by Ayato because she's just a regular, stupid human being

"What happened? Was it an accident?" Yui asked us

"Don't be absurd," Reiji told her "That car was driven by a familiar."

"Looks like it was no accident," Shu said

Kanato asked, holding Teddy tight "Then what was it?"

Laito averts his gaze from the car to something/someone else "Maybe it was them"

Each of us turned to Laito's direction and saw four figures standing on a cliff. We scanned them for a while until Ayato stepped forward and yelled "Who the hell are you?!"

I tried getting their scent, but the smoke kinda messed with my nose. "They smell half human half vampire...are they though?"

The guy in the blackish-blue hair, who was holding a book, mouthed something that made Yui's eyes widen

I brought my finger and thumb under my chin "So they're after her? I see..."

The immense amount of smoke from the fire shields the four figures. Then the next minute, they're gone

"Hey!" Ayato called, not knowing they disappeared

"What were they?" Yui asked

"Their scent..." Kanato paused

Subaru continues "It stinks"

"(Y/n)?" Shu called, grabbing my attention. "You know what they are?"

"I kinda have an idea, but I'm not sure because the smoke played with my nose," I replied

Shu closes his eyes and looks down. "This might get annoying,"

"If Yui gets kidnapped by those half vampires, that would mean...." my eyes widened, "I'm gonna be stuck with them in the meantime! Hopefully she isn't gone for too long, or Imma beat the shit outta her when she gets back"

So apparently, we arrived back at the mansion. Without hesitation, I teleport to my room, change into my favorite (f/c) hoodie dress, fishnet stockings, and black high cut converse, and jump onto my bed. "More sleep! I've been insomiac because of them..." I told myself. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get any sleep so I grabbed my knife, teleported into the forest, and played with my powers

During my playtime, I heard a high pitched voice screaming "No!"

I hid my ears and tails and walked back into the mansion, hiding behind the bushes

There, I saw four familiar figures surrounding Yui. "They're the guys at the cliff!"

By the looks of it, the guy with black hair hypnotized Yui and made her fall asleep

Suddenly, I felt an offensive presence behind me. I tried punching the culprit, but was held back. Some sort cloth covered both my nose and mouth. "It's chloroform. It'll take around 5 minutes if they wanna drug me."

During those 5 minutes, I tried struggling out. "Damn he's strong, and I can't seem to reach his area if I'm this short!" Slowly, the chloroform got into my system. The next thing I knew, I already fainted

Edit 2.0!!! I was sorta confused as I was rereading this chapter when you, as the reader, jumped onto your bed with your school uniform. I do that sometimes, but it didn't seem right when I read that part. Arigato soshite sayonara mina!!!

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