Part 1

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The Tardis was hurtling through the time vortex on a course to The Watson household. "Why exactly do you want to go 5 miles across London to visit a friend?" the Doctor paused to press another switch on the TARDIS. His tweed jacket showed off his shape, whilst round spectacles showed off his intellectuality. He spoke with confidence, experience and a slight hint of childhood excitement. "I mean all of time and space, where do you wanna start? I mean you. You..." he gestured towards a handsome tall man in a long black trench coat, wearing a dark blue scarf. The mans angelic face was shaped with a black mop of soft hair, his piercing blue eyes seemed to notice everything, particulaly the other man sitting beside him... "I thought you'd want to go and visit Copernicus and ask him about planets rotating around the..." The doctor was cut short.

"Actually me and Jim, went and met him last time we looked after the TARDIS didnt we babe?"

"Oh and let me tell you Doc, that man knows how to have a good time!" Jim Moriarty grinned from ear to ear at Sherlock. He leapt up to kiss the still seated Sherlock, he stroked his soft velvet cheek bones, whilst his other hand fiddled with his soft curled hair. Sherlock wrapped his arms confidently around Jim's perfect waist. Sherlocks mouth let out a slight moan as Jim gently rocked his pelvis back and forth. "Erm, so I'll just erm go and erm read an erm book?" the Doctor interupted. Sherlock sat up as though awoken from a perfect dream and looked happily at The Doctor. "Sorry what were you saying?" Jim sniggered at Sherlocks oblivious nature. He was clever but sometimes didn't notice the obvious.

"We have arrived from our short journey." The Doctor pulled on his tweed jacked, fiddled with his bow tie and straigtened his fez. He walked over to the door and pulled it open to reveal John and Mary's well lit living room. The room was tidy apart from baby toys strewn across the laminated floor. "I'm home!" Sherlock shouted from inside the TARDIS.

"Should I come in? I mean hun, he doesnt know about US..." Moriarty said in a slightly scared voice.

"Just stay here, I'll see whats happening." Sherlock tickled Jim's neck with his strong finger, whilst jim giggled hopelessly. "Sherlock Holmes. I love you."


Meanwhile John Watson walked in to his living room to find The Doctor. "Hey..." He said timidly, his face was blushing, "Who are you?"

"I'm The Doctor, and a cup of tea and a jammy dodger would be nice. I mean if those two hadn't been, you know... getting it on. I might have felt a bit more myself, I mean I don't mind gay snogging whatsoever but do you ever feel that maybe some people should you know get a room." John looked confused , "Oh wait... Sherlock? Did your friend know about you and Jim?"

"What do you mean 'you and Jim'?" Sherlock jumped out of the TARDIS to find a guilty looking Doctor and a baffled John Watson.

Honey, You Should See Me In A CrownOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant