"You'll never win, mutant," he spits. "When you, General G-R72 and the rest of the mutants are killed, there will be no hope left in this world. Worldwide domination will be ours, and—"

He pauses as I aim my sword at the transport ship the remaining troops had escaped in, and were just meters off the ground. Throwing it, the sword just misses his head as it shreds through the wing of the ship, causing smoke to billow out of its side. The ship groans as it lurches to its side and crashes into one big ball of fire. I must've hit the fuel tank, because a ship shouldn't burst into flames that low off the ground.

The general watches behind him as one of his own ships comes down, and with wide eyes he turns back in horror. It was crazy hilarious to see the general so flustered. But it only lasted for a moment before I ran up to him, and punched him in the face knocking him out. Hearing a crack as my knuckle came in contact, I hoped I had broken his nose. He was evil. And it felt so good getting revenge on the people who had killed my parents.

I look around, and nothing remained but soldiers lying on the ground in a daze. A round of cheers and whistles erupt behind me from the Rebel army, and a sense of pride willows up in my chest.

"Advance!" Wes yells through the microphone. "Airships, take the Plague soldiers out at the front of the base with your weaponry, then ground troops will storm the base."

We all began our charge towards the base with me leading the way, a fiery sense of rebelliousness uniting us as one.

But our pride was short lived, as in the distance my eyes picked up Plague airships. Not one, not two. But dozens. We all stopped in our position in terrified awe as we were witnessing the true power of the Plague.

Then, I felt the bond. The stupid, motherfreaking bond that pulled the man himself and I together.

Hudson was on one of those ships. And by the looks of it, he was about to take us down.




The sound of blaring alarms awakened me from my not-so-peaceful sleep on a Friday afternoon.

My eyes opened in a flash. In the Capitol, we have individual alarms that represented selective types of threats. This alarm was deep, one that vibrated your chest and alerted every soldier that was off-duty to change into normal clothes, and report to your stations.

The Plague was under attack.

It took me only five minutes to get ready. Body armor. Brush my teeth. Helmet. I had received countless calls from the other generals already, but none from Red himself. Which means that this attack is just a small flame that the Plague needed to extinguish.

As I walk the floors of the Capitol, the hallways were busier than ever. Guards scrambled everywhere with military equipment, and technicians ran each direction trying to figure out where they were going. I could read their emotions. They were panicked and stern, out of the ordinary.

That made me wonder, are we losing a fight?

"Commander G-R72!" A light voice from behind me says, making my head turn. "Where on Earth have you been?"

Instead of looking across, I have to look down at the short midget standing in front... well, below me.

"And who might you be?"

"Why, my name is Doctor Baird. I am one of the top military strategists the Plague has! Surely you should know my name," he states with a British accent and I roll my eyes behind my helmet.

I sigh. "Look, I have places to be. More importantly talk to people who aren't as short as a toddler. What do you want?"

His face turns a bright shade of pink, taken aback by my offensive comment. "W-Well, we have been notified that our base just outside of Sector 46 has been attacked by Rebel forces. It contains some of our strongest weaponry and missiles—"

"Please, just get to the point," I say clenching my knuckles, continuing my walk towards the battle room once more. The midget had to run to keep up with my fast steps, and after a minute he was panting like a dog. How did this man even make it through our stamina tests?

"It isn't looking too good at the battle right now. Dozens of soldiers have been reported as unconscious or in critical condition. General Hoye was taken out just a short time ago as well."

"And what weaponry was used to take them down?" I question.

He pauses. "From my analysis, the Rebels are in possession of regular weapons. Until not someone, but somebody showed up and took our soldiers out. From our cameras, it looked like a girl. The mutant girl, more specifically," his voice trails off nervously at the end, as I freeze in place.

The mutant girl.

The one who hadn't left my mind since day one. Ever since I had last talked to her, my mind had constantly been reeling back her face and her unfortunately angelic voice like a broken record. And all of it angered me. Everything about her enraged me to the core until there was nothing left.

I knew what had to be done.

I quickly turn my earpiece on, contacting the military generals across the Capitol. "I want all reinforcements behind me as I go down to the outskirts of sector 42. Every. Single. One. Not one ship left behind, understood?" I say into the mic.

"But Commander G-R72–"

"Any complaints you all have can be made to Red," I interrupt loudly. "I want all airships fired up in three minutes. And if none of you can make it work, so help me I'll kill you all myself." My voice was dripping with pure anger as I struggle to control my breathing patterns. The midget who stood next to me had ran away already, most likely scared from the amount of anger I was radiating.

Finally, Mara had left her pathetic little hiding spot.  Her so-called 'home'. And now, I was going to capture my prize.



Okay anyways, I started watching TVD again😈 Katherine is being a little loser in TVD... and the fact that Elena and Stefan are 'faking' their fights so that Caroline can report back to Katherine that her plan is working??? GENIUS! I just hope that Damon doesn't get any ideas 😳

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