Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Don't think this camp is for you to leisure around." Mr. Aizawa began. "At this cap, we'll push you beyond your limits. You'll be going beyond Plus Ultra."

"Yes sir!" The entire class chimed together.

We were all gathered outside, our belongings gathered already in the bus. "Are you excited, Katsu?" I asked him as I poked around his shoulder.

"Pfft. It's just another way for me to become number one." He groaned. He must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. Again.

"Now now, you two, just because we're going away on a trip doesn't mean you two get to have romantic fun." Kirishima joked as he approached us.

My cheeks turned red. "Uh! We weren't planning anything." I said as Katsuki growled in annoyance. "What's it to you if we do, Shitty Hair?!" He said as he tried to punch him on the top of the head, but Kirishima had already hardened at that point.

"You know what? Camp!" I said, excitedly, joining Ochaco, Denki, and Mina in their chant about camp.

"Look! The rest of class B!" Izuku said as we all stopped and took a look.

"Hmph. Nothing special." Katsuki pretended to yawn, but I knew deep down he wanted to fight them all. Typical Katsuki Bakugo.

"Attention! It's time to go!" Began Iida. "Everyone on the bus!"

Before he could board the bus, I ran up to Katsuki. "Can we sit together?" I asked, pleading.

He sighed, seeing my puppy eyes. "Yeah, yeah. C'mon." He whispered as he took my hand in his, leading me inside the bus.

Once we were on the bus and rolling, Katsuki mostly stayed silent. That couldn't be said for the rest of the class, however, as everyone excitedly was talking and goofing off. Iida of course was being a typical mother and yelling at everyone about everything.

I strained myself as I heard Mr. Aizawa speak, but the bus was so loud, I couldn't hear what he said. He looked defeated, then turned back around and ignored his class.

"What do you think camp will be like?" I asked Katsuki, excited like everyone else.

"Heh. Hopefully brutal training." He replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Nerd." I whispered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, dear." I giggled, nudging him.

"That's what I thought." He shot me a sly grin, telling me he was just joking around as well.

After an hour had passed, we made a stop at the peak of the mountain.

Everyone was confused, however, as we looked around. There was nothing. Just trees and dirt.

"What do you think is going on?" I asked Katsuki, who didn't answer but just stared at Aizawa. He knew he had something dirty up his sleeve.

"You don't really think we stopped here so you could stretch your legs, do you?" Aizawa said as Mineta tried to beg him for a restroom.

It was then we heard the voices of two women, who introduced themselves The Wild Wild Pussycats.

Aizawa told us we would be working with them over summer camp, but before he could continue, Izuku excitedly started talking about them like he usually does when he swoons over heroes.

But before he could continue, the blonde cat girl slammed her fist into his face, shutting him up when he started talking about their age.

I chuckled, covering my mouth. "I hope I never get that sad.." I whispered to myself. 

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