Chapter 4

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"Mother..." I looked at Seijuro's back. He wore a black suit. Black. Just as the mood of the crowd in front of the tombstone. It was the funeral of Seijuro's mother. Seijuro layed a flower on the grave. He didn't cry. He didn't show any emotion at all. It was as if he didn't even cared.

As the funeral ended, the others left. The red haired boy still stood in front of his mother's grave. I stood right beside him.

"Why are you still here, Mashiro...? You should go home with your parents..." I looked at him. He stared at the ground. "I won't." He glanced towards me. Still not showing any emotions.

"Seijuro..." I took his hand and smiled sadly. "You don't have to act strong in front of me... Nobody is here anymore." He looked away. "I'm not acting strong..."

For a moment it was quiet.

"Fine. If you're okay then why don't we go home?" I turned my back towards him and walked ahead. Suddendly he grabbed my hand. I stopped walking and just stood there. I felt how Akashi placed his head on my shoulder.

"I... I am not okay..." "Seijuro..." He was shuddering. As I wanted to turn around to see if he was crying, he stopped me. "No..." he paused. "I don't want you to see me like this... Just... Just stay here with me for a while..."

He seems cold-blooded.

I looked up as I felt a raindrop dripping on my nose. "Seijuro... It's raining..." "It's just water... Right...?"

But the truth is that he is even more fragile that anyone else.

"Yeah... You're right..." We stood like that for a while.

So much, that if you even would break him once, his little world would tear apart into millions little pieces.

"Hey, Mashiro...?" "Yes...?" His grip on my hand tightened. "Please promise me something..." "..."

Which is why he chose to not show any emotions. Not even the slightest bit of sadness, anger or betrayl.

"Please... Please promise that you'll never leave me..." In response I also tightened my grip on his hand. "I won't... I'll never leave you..."

Not to accept emotions he felt. Not to face them. Just to avoid them.

"I promise that I will never leave you alone... Not even in an enternity..."

*flashback ends*

I opened my eyes. Rays of the sunlight peering through the curtains on my eyes. I groaned as I sat up. "A dream..."

I looked at the watch and yawned. It was still too early. I layed back again and stared at the ceiling. I tried to close my eyes but I was lost in my thoughts. "I really met him again... Seijuro..."

I remembered yesterday. But then I also remembered how my old friend became. A total stranger. "No... Not Seijuro... I should call him Akashi..."

I sat up again and remained like that for a while. Then I stood up and prepared myself for school.

I went to the dining room. My father was sitting at his laptop while my mother was placing plates on the table.

"Ah, darling. You're early." "I couldn't sleep anymore..." I took a seat beside my father. He glared at me as my mother placed the breakfast on the table. I took a slice of toast.

"So? How's school? Are there any boys on who I may use my shotgun?" I sighed. "No dad, there aren't any boys..." Suddendly the doorbell rang. "Are you sure?" I finished my toast and tried to avoid his glare.

"I'll open the door." I stood up. My father followed me. As I opened the door I was surprised to look into heterochromatical eyes. "Akashi...?"

He smiled mischivously as he saw me. "Good morning, Mashiro." Suddendly my father came closer and stared at Akashi. "Oh gosh... Sei-kun... Is that you?"

Akashi smiled. "It's nice to meet you again, Mr. Mikemiya." The red haired bowed. "Still as well-mannered as back then, hm?" "Heh. I guess." He softly chuckeled. Then I heard steps coming closer.

My dad looked back and saw my mother coming closer. "Ah, do we have a guest?" "Sweetheart. This is a boy who lives in the same neighbourhood. We used to lived here before moving. And now we came back. He's Mashiro's childhood friend."

As my father tried to explain who Akashi was, I noticed the red haired male staring at my mother. He looked a bit surprised.

"Ah, Sei-kun. This is Nobara Mikemiya. I have married her, a few years after Mashiro's mother died..." It was silent for a while. "Mashiro's mother... Died...?" "... Yeah... She was too sick to be cured..." "Ah I see..."

I somehow felt uncomfortable talking about the past. "You are here to pick me up, right? I'll just take my bag. It's upstairs." My mother smiled. "Well it's still kinda early, isn't it? Would you like to come in for a cup of tea, Akashi-kun?" "Ah, no thanks Mrs. Mikemiya. I'm fine." "Oh, okay."

I sighed and went to my bedroom to get my bag and went back to the housedoor where Seijuro was waiting. "Bye mom, dad." I gave both a kiss on their cheeks." Before I went out, my father whispered something to Akashi.

"Sei-kun. You're the only one I can trust. Please keep Mashiro away from idiots." Akashi grinned. "I will, sir." "Okay, have a good day, Mashiro. Sei-kun." With that he closed the door.

I walked beside Seijuro along the street, silently. Suddendly he chuckled. It quickly turned into laughter.

"So your mother died, huh?" He glared at me coldly but smirked at the same time. His smirk disappeared and he just stared at me.

"Hey, Mashiro... Do you remember that day at my mother's funeral?" I didn't answer at first. "Yeah... I do." "You promised to never leave me... Heh... I was foolish to believe you back then to believe you... In the end you were just a goddamn hypocrite..."

We arrived at the school building and entered it. It was empty, since we were too early. "You broke your promise... Do you know how I felt after that, Mashiro?" "I..." Suddendly he pinned me against the wall. "Can you even imagine how I felt...?"

Seijuro... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

I clenched my fist. "I can." For a moment he was speechless. "I... I can imagine how much it hurt. How mixed up your feelings could have been. How often you asked yourself when I will come back... How much you missed me... How much you felt left behind... I can imagine all of that..."

I broke my promise from back then...

"Liar." "Huh?" "You're a liar!" I trembeled. "Seijuro..." I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

After all I really am a liar...

"Do you think you're the only one who suffered?! I... I missed you! It was so hard leaving you... Hell, it was so hard, even just thinking of you after breaking that promise!" I paused. "Then why...?" "What...?"

I'm sorry, Seijuro...

"Why did you even leave me...?" "I had to..." He leaned his head against my shoulder.

I'm sorry that I hurt you that much...

... Forgive me...

If I could love you just once more (Akashi x OC)}Kuroko no Basket fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now