Chapter 7-A new design

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China's POV

Shit!Shit!Shit!Shit!Shit!"What the fuck did I just do?!!!I had just broken the animatronic.I didn't know what to do so I just locked the door to the scooping room so the animatronics couldn't leave, and left.

I went to my office which was burning hot so I turned on the fan, just so I could reflect on what the fuck I just did.

I had to stay to put the shells back on once they were clean and polished but I didn't do that either.

At 7:00 when the other employees cane to help I was going to ask them to tell UN about the predicament.Oh my green tea he is going to be mad.

Other employees:Italy,Japan, and Germany ( Oh boy fuckin axis powers)(Leave me alone OK I couldn't think of who to use)

Japan's POV

Italy, Germany, and I came to the pizzeria chatting.Ok maybe more like I was chatting and Italy and Germany were half listening because they were still really sleepy.

I had to much sugar this morning.

UN told that there was a new guy.I believe his name is China.When we walked in though he was no where to be seen.

We suspected he was in the office and he was because we found sitting the chair all nervous, worried, and sweaty.And he had the fan on.

Italy's POV

Japan was talking my ear off about some crap I wasn't really paying attention and my hair was still wet from my morning shower.

'Where's the new guy' I wonder.Im guessing Japan and Germany had the same idea as me because we all started walking to the nightguard office.And there he was.

He looked like he did something he wasn't supposed too.Maybe an accident happened with the animatronics because I saw the checklist he was given and only two boxes were checked.

Also the paper was damp from probably sweat.
.......'Gross' I thought to myself.

Before Germany's POV here is a picture of my friend who looks like a human version toy Freddy.

Before Germany's POV here is a picture of my friend who looks like a human version toy Freddy

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Thank you now back to the story.

Germany's POV

Italy,Japan, and I walked in the building with the smell of pizza creeping into our nostrils.

We couldn't find China so we went to check the office and we somehow did this without communicating.We all just turned one of the corners in unison.

We saw China in the office in complete and utter disturbance.His head was cover in sweat.

China's POV

I knew I was going to get fired.BIG TIME.I was staring at the wall until I heard someone talking it was Japan.

Germany then asked me " What happened ? ".
I knew there was no point in lying I was a guilty,sweaty mess." I...Um I broke the America animatronic last night".Now that he was thinking he still had them sitting in the scooping room.

Italy response made feel a lot better." I'm actually not surprised those shells are old especially America's he's played with the most roughly, know... the kids don't know the definition of gentle so, he's pretty messed up," he said groggily.

"Actually ?" I asked with relief and confusion.Japan answered with a sudden burst of energy "Yeah it's about time he got a new shell,". " He won't be on stage for at least a day though" Germany added.

"Oh ok"I sighed with release of the anxiety he had.

America's POV

I think it was at least 7:00am and I was still on the floor broken and disheveled.Like seriously when was he going to come back?

All of a sudden the pitch black room had a snippet of light, then a crack, then halfway then, and finally it was all the way.I remembered those flags.

Japan, Italy, and Germany along with China nervously behind them were in the entrance of the scooping room.They each grabbed one of us. Well, not all of us because the grabbed everyone else.Also Russia was so tall and heavy it took to of them to carry him out.

It's so weird seeing the most muscular animatronic in here being carried and that was period.(America is kind of sassy and also get mad at me all you want to but he is shorter than every country in my version of the fandom.Plus he has kind of childish girl voice too even though he is a kind of grown 16 year old.Thanks.
-sponsored by water is wet)

Before I completely shut off to sleep I heard Germany say " The first design was kind of old anyway.We'll ask EU ( The designer and engineer of the animatronics ) to change the design a bit and don't really he will cause he is actually very nice."

Oh god back to EU to give me a even more kinkier design.Wasnt this pizzeria supposed to be for kids and not for people who go to strip clubs.Got to start bracing myself for that.

No one's POV

After Germany called EU To come pick up them damaged and in disarray America EU started making the sketch and blue prints for America's New Design.

Thanks for making it this far there are more chapters coming in the future.
Also just a quick reminder...
👏America👏is👏how👏I 👏want👏him👏to👏be👏in👏this👏fandom👏 bye my
COMMIE COOKIES here have one

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