Chapter Two: Gungans...

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"Yousa sav-ed my again!" You hear the Gungar say as you come into ear shot

"What's this?" Obi asked looking at Qui-Gon strangley as you look the gungar up and down with a strange gaze.

"A local. Let's go, before more of those droids show up." Qui-Gon says plainly.

"More? Mure did you spake??!?" The Gungar asks frantically as you three start running away acting like you don't hear him. You turn around and see the gungar trying to keep up.

"Ex-squeeze me, but de mosta safest place would be GungaCity. Tis where I grew up ... Tis a hidden city." The Gungar says as you all stop in your tracks.  Why is he helping us, oh god, please don't be a life debt.

"A city?" Qui-Gon asks

The Gungar nods his head, "Uhhu."

"Can you take us there?" Qui-Gon asks as you and Obi look at each other with puzzeling looks.

"Ahhh," He nods then his eyes go wide, "... on second taut ... no, not willy, no."  He says as you let out an exhaspartated sigh.

"No??!" Qui-Gon asks exhausted. Poor man can't ever catch a breath.

"Iss embarrissing, boot ahh... My afrai my've bean banished. My forgoten der Bosses would do terrible tings to my. Terrible tings if my goen back dare." The Gungar says a bit akwardly. It takes you a while to even figure out what he is saying, but figure it out. Suddenly, a loud pulsating blast can be heard, and you grow tired of this Gungars stupid games,

"You hear that?" You say stepping in front of Qui-Gon and looking the Gungar in the eyes.

"Y/n, don't..." Qui-Gon says as Obi puts a hand up to stop Qui-Gon.

"Yeah." The Gungar says plainly,

"That's the sound of a thousand terrible things heading this way..." You say, but Obi steps in realizing what you were saying.

"If they find us, they will crush us, grind us into little pieces..." Obi says, but you inturpt him this time,

"Then blast us into oblivion!" You said a little bit aggressivly.

"Oh! Yousa point is well said. Dis way! Hurry!" The Gungar says a nervously leading us off into the woods then turns off and runs too a swamp.

We stop in front of a murky lake.

"How much farther?" Qui-Gon questions.

"Wesa goen underwater, okeyday? The Gungar says.

The three of us pull out small capsule from our 'utility belts' that turn into breathing masks.

"...and my warning yous. Gungans no liken outsiders, so don't expicin warn welcome." The Gungar says

"Don't worry, this has not been our day for warm welcomes." Obi-Wan says. As you chuckle and agree letting out a soft yeah.

The Gungar jumps, yells out, does a double somersault with a twist, and dives into the water.

You roll your eyes. Breath masks on, we three wade in after him. Before they continue, The Gungar surfaces.

"Ahh... yousa follow me now, okeyday?" The Gungar says before diving back into the water.

We all swim behind the Gungar, who is very much at home in the water. Down we swim into murky depths. In the distance the glow of Otoh Gunga, an underwater city made up of large bubbles, becomes more distinct.

We approach the strange, art nouveau habitat. The Gungar, Qui-Gon informed who-s named Jar Jar, swims magically through one of the bubble membranes, which seals behind him. We all follow into the City Square

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