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Me and Cray have been driving on this motorway (or highway if your an American) for a good few hours now and my phones battery was running low so I asked Cray where we were going I mean I should've probably asked awhile ago but he's a mate I trust him.
"Sooooooo Cray where are we going then?"
"Home." Cray replied instantly with one word
"Cray you ok?" I asked concerned
"Yeah yeah I'm fine." He answered almost to quickly
"You don't sound ok. Nathan what's wrong?"
"I...I... I can't tell you." He stuttered
"You can tell me anything. You know that don't you?" I asked concerned now
"I...I...I don't know." Cray replied pulling over
"Cray please"I pleaded
"Uhmm we'll it's about Lannan...." Cray began...

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