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Branch and Poppy made a plan on how to get past the deadly forest. But it was not easy.

Branch carefully used his powers to move the boulder that was used as a door for the cave, away from the entrance.

All of them then proceeded to get out of the cave, keeping carefull watch over their surroundings.

Branch was the most attentive as he was to stoo any attacks or sheild them feom any attacks that might possibly come their way.

Poppy on the other hand had her hair at her side, ready to perform a hairballdukken.

The gang of friends kept this formation going for the entirety that they were in the forest. That's when the same wolf from before attacked. Branch deflected the inckming spikes the wolf shot their way as the others started to run ahead, Poppy then shot a hairballdukken straight at the eys of the wolf. She them grabbed Branch, Starting to run together to catch up to their friends.

The gang of friends kept running and runnkng and running. That's when another predator arrived, this time it was an eagle.

The eagle dove straight for them, that's when Branch had the idea.

"GUYS! Make a giant net!" He instructed, the others following his orders.

As the eagle met with the net made of hair, it struggled to get free, while this was happening. Branch, who quickly gathered the vines around them, turned these vines into one big lasso looking thing.

Branch then tied the giant rope made out of vines around the beak of the eagle then started to rangle it as if riding a horse, with his powers.

"Guys! Quick! Hop on!" He said as the snack pack stopped making their hair into a net and jumped on before the eagle could fly away.

"We did it!" Poppy celebrated as she threw her fist in the air.


Sorry it's so short...I had to make it in a rush...I'll update tomorrow when I have time

Tragedy Ends at Some Point, Right?: Broppy Fanfic[On Haitus]Where stories live. Discover now