Taeyeon's POV

...She confessed to me....Pany-ah co-confessed to me....?  I thought to myself, i never in a million years thought that Pany-ah, the one and only Tiffany Hwang Mi-young would ever confess to me. I mean I've had a crush on her since the very first day we met, but for her to confess to me is something I thought impossible. I've learned to just see her as a best friend and be satisfied with just being with her. Yes I was born and raised in Korea and I know homosexuality isn't really as accepted as in Western countries, but I that doesn't mean I can just ignore and forget my feelings towards her, I tried to but I failed miserably, when Nickhun and her became official I was devastated, I know it was fake but when seeing them together I thought that it was the right thing to let her go and just accept that we will never be together like I imagined and to just be happy being her best friend, but no I can't I tried ignoring her and being less clingy to her, all it did was make us drift apart. Those times were probably one of my darkest and depressing times but thankfully we've rebuilt our friendship and it's stronger than ever.

I was still in shock of hearing her actually confess so I had no time to say anything to her since she immediately ran to her room. After a few minutes I regained my composure and walked to her door, I knocked and tried opening it but apparently she locked it. "Pany-ah~...open the door." I said to her, "NO!" she immediately replied on the other side of the door. I sighed and sat down leaning on the door. "I'm sorry for everything I said Tae. Just forget about it." She said.

It was silent after that, "You know, I never would have thought that you'd actually confess to me you know. I always thought you were as straight as a pole Pany-ah." I said softly to her "I thought so too, but I guess I was wrong, I'm only gay for you though. I've never felt like this to anyone else, not the other members, not towards Bora or anyone." I smiled at that, knowing I'm the only one that can make her feel that way. "You know I fell in love with you too. Since the day we met and became roommates. You're smile really made me weak on my knees back then, it still does." I laughed. After that she became quite again, then I heard the door slowly opening. Pany-ah stood there and looked at me "You're not disgusted by me?" she asked with a worried yet adorable look on her face "Of course I'm not silly!" I said to her with a cheerful smile "Besides I feel exactly the same way MY Pany-ah, now come here you!" I said as I ran to her and hugged her. She was a bit shocked but soon regained composure and then ran to her room but I was able to tackle her on her bed. "So...Pany-ah will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her as I looked into her eyes, she smiled at me with her beautiful eye-smile of hers "Yes." She said and she moved closer then I felt our lips touched. I swear I had the biggest smile on the planet right now! I was so happy and I can tell she is also since she's also smiling like an idiot. She's finally mine! I shout in my head.  After all that we decided to call it a night and just cuddle in her bed.

"I never thought you were gay Tae." she asked while we were lying down on her bed cuddling, "I'm not, I'm only gay for you." I said with a dorky smile on my face. Then she frowned and her eyes were beginning to water. "I'm sorry Tae." she said barely audible, I panicked and asked if what was wrong or if anything hurts. She just shook her head "I'm sorry for putting you through this situation." She said , that's when I realized what she meant, I totally forgot about her situation,  now that I think about our situation is really tragic, I should've confessed to her a long time ago. But there's nothing we can do now but make the most out of it. "There's still plenty of time left, I'll make sure to treasure every moment we have and to I'll make sure to always make you feel special Pany-ah. I won't waste the time we're given, I'm just happy we get to have this chance to be together. I love you Pany-ah" I said to her while wiping her tears and hugging her tight.

We eventually fell asleep at some point and when I woke up I thought everything was just a dream but then I saw the most beautiful human being right beside me and that's when I knew it wasn't a dream and the beautiful being beside me is in fact my beautiful girlfriend! I just stared at her all morning, and when my stomach began growling asking for me to feed it I carefully and quietly maneuvered my way out of bed and made breakfast for the two of us, the members haven't returned yet or maybe they're just sleeping in their rooms but I already made extras incase. I made Pancakes, with waffles and eggs, Pany-ah's favorite, I personally learned her dad's recipe when we went to visit so I can make them for her here anytime. After preparing breakfast I made my way to her room and gave her a few pecks to wake her up, she finally did after a few pecks and instantly smiled at me. "Good morning Pany-ah~" I said to her cheerfully, she said a sleepy 'good morning Tae' and stretched in bed, she immediately sat up when I gave her the food, her eyes are sparkling and then she hugged me tight then gave me a short peck on the lips. I could totally get used to that every morning I thought to myself. I sat on the bed and watched her eat, she really is beautiful and I can't believe she's mine!? Then she pushed a piece of waffle into my mouth and told me I also needed to at so I happily ate while smiling an idiot.

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