Chapter 1: Lost

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Oh gosh I sounded so serious in the prologue.

When I said I'm bi, I meant bisexual and bipolar, so don't act surprised when I suddenly switch from loud to Quiet in a matter of seconds.


Anyways, if I didn't already introduce myself countless times, I'm Chance★.

You don't have to write the star I just think it's cool.

I stan short stories and chapters, so here.

With those things said, I'm out, I need more sleep.


October 31, 20XX

11: 50 pm

"Alrighty! We're gonna have a nice weekend, aye?"

The blond man declared, his two daughters walking behind him.

Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose.

Yang seemed to be enjoying whatever it is their father wanted to do, which is, stare at a haunted house.

And of course, with plans of exploring it.

"Dad, are we gonna go there?"

Yang asked excitedly. The house looked kind of old, and haunted. A lot of people tour there in the summer though, so Tai decided that he should take his little girl's on a short vacation.

"Only if you can handle it, firecracker"

"Oh it's on!"

The two fistbumped the air, The youngest member of the family, Ruby, did not like the idea of going to a haunted house at all.

Much to her dismay, the two already made their way to the house, leaving poor Ruby alone.

"But, I'm scared of the dark!"

She yelled after then and tried catching up, and with hesitation, too.

"Besides! Mom said I can see ghosts!"

"Even better!"

This was going nowhere.

Obviously, this birthday was NOT going according to Ruby's plan.

Yang pulled her sister's arm and practically dragged her towards the entry, where a guard stood.

"Are you a coward?~"

The older sister taunted, this made Ruby look down in shame.

Her mother was super great in handling fears, some say she could even see ghosts!

Summer was really brave! It would be embarrassing if the daughter of the oh-so-brave Summer didn't do the same.


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