Chapter 6 The swords dance

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As everyone laid down on the cots two people could not fall asleep as the thoughts of the other one raced through their minds they both looked at the tent's ceiling and thought, some of the thoughts were soft other sinister as the Hessian groaned and rolled to the side remembering the smell of the girl when he was kneeling beside her, and Dana was smiling like school girl at the likings of the Hessian but he could not love her right? She was not lady-like maybe even he was toying with her so it's better to keep it quiet. Hessian on the other hand was afraid to lose you, he was afraid for the first time in his life...


Dana's POV

It was early in the morning, it was six o'clock to be correct, I always woke earlier than the others, sparrow what to do I have never been an owl if only something important made me stand awake. Everyone else was sleeping soundly 'Princesses' I thought shaking my head but today it will be different I'll show to the Hessian my knowledge, of course, it was not perfect beyond the skills of his but the way he swung the rapier and his powerful body...' WOAH.WOAH hold the rains there girly, he probably even is not interested in girls like you!' I thought bitterly looking to the side as I took a deep breath and changed my attire into something comfortable for a sword fight.

As I wanted to walk out I bumped into the Hessian himself his hand was raised to open the tent's wing, I gasped and looked at him and he back at me rising one of his dark eyebrows that had a scar running through it, his mouth was a bit agape as if lions' breathing after a good hunt or just lazying out on the sun I tilted my head and he let his hand slide to serpent-rapier "I hope you all slept well but I see only you awaken where are the others?" he said matter of factly I blushed is if being scolded by my teacher "They still in bed Sir!" I yelped but then composed as I stood still as a string I spoke more clear and firm now "I shall wake them and bring them to the training grounds Mein Commander!" I looked as his brow rise and fall then he huffed and said

Hessian's POV

"GUT! I don't need lazy slumps in my army but warriors that are ready at any moment and second, now Soldat wake them up, at ease!" I barked and walked away, my mantel swirling behind me as I walked to the training ground waiting for this Faule Bälle-Lazy balls to bring their hinds. I signed and cracked my neck earning a rather audible crack hearing some kind of banging noises I stood still for a moment listening "Come on little ladies you have sleep your beauty away even if you sleep longer you won't be more beautiful so get up before I use the cold water!" I laughed at her manners to wake her comrades but it made me smile 'This girl sure was something, responsible and strong and the way she called me Commander or Sir, damn it Erich keep yourself together you have army to train, ja all you need to show them how frightening you can be!' he smiled as he remembered the first training he was screaming at the soldiers to come at him and to attack him but everyone was so afraid that some of them passed out on the spot! What sweet memories he walked where the swords and guns were laid out and smiled, oh he loves this game! As he was with turned back he heard some chattering and closing steps he turned and saw the group groggy but alerted he liked what he saw everyone was wearing appropriate clothing as Dana stood amongst them she took two steps and straightened then said loud and clear "All of the soldiers are presented mein Commander! All intact none is late!" she reported making the edge of my mouth raise in smirk 'Atta girl I thought, appropriate report and posture straightened and not hunched!' I recognized that all of them wore black clothing as I raised my brow and asked my voice booming "Why all of you are in black and not wearing hessian's attire or at least American?" everyone looked at Dana to report the gain and she did "Sir may I say, Sir!" I smiled and nodded "We wear black because the blood will be less visible on it Sir!" I was surprised nevertheless to say these kids they had potential what if I made my own little Todeskommando, why not? I thought and a plan started to form in my head  

Dana's POV 

He was thinking of something and the way his mouth smiled I didn't like it at all what plans did he have? Anyways I concentrated on the weapons that were laid out on the table as if searching for something and 'Bingo!' I thought there were they dual blades, you see not everyone mastered the dual-wielding but my wish was to master it to perfection! As I looked back the Hessian looked at me and turned around to pick something as he picked something I couldn't see and threw it at my feet making others back away as I stood there I looked at him as his teeth were displayed showing his mischievous smile and crazy glint in his eye 'Oh ist that SO!' I thought and looked at him he pointed to the table with the weapons "Choose whatever you wish but let it be blade weapon I'll use my rapier! Ist das verstanden?" I looked at this slick bastard and smiled walking to the table "Klar wie Tageslicht! (clear as daylight)"I said walking to the table and taking two blades making his eyebrow raised in question "Do you think that das ist gut idea?" he looked rather unimpressed by my choice of weapon as I smiled biting my lip 'You have NO idea how good it is' and I bowed my hand swinging the blades in hands, feeling their weight, pros, and cons. He stood from the table he was leaning on and removed his mantel it was sunny today and warm despite the thin layer of snow laying around us he unleashed his rapier and took few strides  at took my defense position and our dance began he swung at me and I deflected his blows he was strong but I had the upper hand, for now, he managed to make me slip back and swung his rapier as if preparing to strike but I managed to backflip and prepared to attack again this sucked a furious dance of swords that everyone stood still as the others soldiers gathered around seeing the fight that was between me and the Hessian and neither of us wanted to let go 

Hessian's POV

I like this girl her fighting instinct made my point right! She is a good fighter and so furious looking at her makes me want to take her here and now, the adrenaline from the fight such an amazing opponent is like having wine and beautiful woman at the same time! She swung and defended herself sweat cowering her face and trickling down her neck and lower I wish to see, to see her in that state disheveled hair and crazed look panting deep and hard, 'I want to see her under me!' At this thought I roared and launched at her she deflected me again and this time I swung and used my ax clearly surprising her for a while as she took few steps back making distance between us the lust and fight adrenaline pumped blood into my muscles and fogged my mind as I swung and sliced this time without mercy. She fought but I could see that she was getting week but still fought as if it was the last time and I snarled and swung blow after blow as she gritted her teeth and fought back as an animal that was cornered that what I respect of people the vigor and the amount of ferociousness as they fought with me, we both were standing our ground and I knew she will learn a lot and I shall make it happen I shall train her my little beastie! "Still not giving up Schatz? I'm close to winning this round tho!" she smiled mischievously 'what is wrong with this woman I told her I'll beat her and she smiles?' then she did the unexpected thing she caught my arm as I raised my blade to stab her in the side and she threw me over herself landing me on my back with a roar not strong as mine but her blade was close to my neck and my hand with the ax was close the hers...silence was hanging everyone froze in shock we were equal she was on top of my torso and I felt her strong legs gripping me I wanted so badly to rip her clothes as she breathed hard and looked at down at me with her green eyes I realized I like the fire that danced in her eyes as I puffed out.

"Ich think we're even!" I caught my breath she smiled sweetly and stood from me taking that warmness with her 'Gott if it wasn't the audience I would have taken her right here and now!'

I stood and cleaned myself from the snow as I turned and barked commands to ever staring soldier making them run around and minding their business as to the others in the group I turned and sternly said "Sparing now! I want to see how much you all know!" As I turned I saw her cleaning her clothing that hugged her curves perfectly 'Gott this woman will be the death of me!' I mentally scolded myself and walked to her "It was a gutt dance Frau! I'm looking forward to training you!" the day passed in training and exercises as the night came the desires returned with the dawn!

To be continued...

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