Chapter 5 The tale is sweet so you are!

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He stood there waiting for me to turn around and as I did he looked at me with emotion I could not place as he fastened the flaps of the tent and took a breath in turning around only now I saw his big and bulky body, his broad shoulders and the way he walked as wolf stalked his prey he stopped in front of me and spoke.

"Frau Dana!"


Dana's POV 

'Oh, gods what does he want to do, maybe to ask come to one Dana think fast' I looked at him tilted my head and said: "You see I wanted to tell you the story..." I took a pause and looked at him he swallowed as I looked at his Adam apple move. He walked close to the fire pit and seated himself on a back velvet chair his hand pointing to the other empty sit inviting me quietly "Sitzen! Seien Sie dann mein Gast, ich möchte eine Geschichte von Ihnen hören!"("Sit! Be my guest then, I would like to hear a story from you!") I took a few steps as gracefully as possible and sat across him the flames were dancing on his pale face as his eyes were reflecting the fire in the pit. 

The fire was crackling and the stool was hugging my body as if lulling me to relax but my huntress instincts screamed to be alert maybe it was a trick or test. So I leaned a bit back and spoke "There was a time when the Thracians were on our lands, the most furious and feared warriors they were, amongst everything their clever tactic in the war and choice of weapons and mostly horses made them fast, scary and merciless!" the Hessian was listening carefully as if trying to understand my roots he nodded his head now and then "But the horses they had were terror to the other warriors of other clans, they were trained since little cubs to feed on people's blood, to bite and kick, to kill people...they were trained to be war machines!" I looked at him as he nodded softly his head and I would be missed it if I weren't careful "The Thracians and not only were ones among the other warriors known to be deadly and vulturous.

Hessian's POV

I listened to the girl's story and thought 'Oh little one I know so much about this and much more but your company that's what I crave!' he looked as she talked with enthusiasm about the horses and how she wanted to encounter one and now she had a new friend. That made me smile softly and remember my first encounter with DareDevil, she, on the other hand, was beaming and talking about her ancestors with pride and fervor it made me smile at her respect and willpower, and it took all my discipline and resistance to pounce on her as a mercenary I was reckless and careless I had chosen to die on the battlefield but this girl had proven me the first time I laid my eyes on her when she was hunting in the woods and the wolf I was ready to attack the beast but she managed to make it go away and then she turned and looked at me I wanted to steal her and hide her from everyone. And upon arriving in the camp everyone greeted her like an old friend I know she has reflexes but I shall train her myself, all of them as a commander that's my job but first I need to check her abilities.

Dana's POV

I was talking and telling tales of the tribe that was living on our lands and he was listening but I couldn't read him he was like a book with empty pages, of course, he was a commander The Hessian and showing emotion during the war could kill you, right? So I kept on telling the story trying to look as innocent as possible but when he smiled something made me almost stutter like a first-year school kid when I finished my tale I looked at him and he clapped his hands and stood only now I understood how tall this man was he was so much taller and bulky build that it made you crane your neck to look at him and when he was on the horse he was even taller he was looking at me with look I could not place "Very well, very well I liked it, tell me who was the one you learned you how to hunt? A young lady with so unladylike tastes or it is not your decision?" he raised his eyebrow and looked down at me, if questions could slap that would be it I composed myself and then spoke matter of factly "You see dear Sir in our century, 21st-century ladies are allowed to do whatever they wish, riding horses, wearing pants, wielding weapons and even hunt!" I exclaimed happily seeing the disbelieve on his face as he huffed out and looked at me "Nonsense who allowed that to happen? And what the men do? Do they fight? Do they protect their land?" he stated sharp seeming not happy about the news I gave him, I smiled sadly and told him "Not every single man can wield so professionally your weapon and ride a horse...because...because everything has changed and few still wear the honor in their hearts! Some of them don't respect women at all, some of them still drink and some just don't do anything! But if you were there I would rather choose you for my soulmate at least I would know I had married a man of honor!" he was enraged but when she said the last sentence it made him almost drop his bocal as he thought he heard things looking at her eyes and her smile he was feeling himself melting.

Hessian's POV

'She did say what?' he thought when she said her last phrase he was never a lady-man all of them were afraid of him and his appearance and his size petrified many of them but that girl has she realized what did she said he took two strides to be near her and she didn't flinch not even moved she was still looking at him her neck so bare and pale so tempting 'NEIN!' he commanded to himself as he looked at her "You know that saying words like this is not so good, words are supposed to be truth and truth only!" seeing her tilting her head as she looks at me with those eyes 'Don't...Tue nicht! I am losing myself over a girl? I need to send her off because if I don't I don't know how will it end' I signed and stood abruptly as she looked at me "I shall hear more of your stories but alas tomorrow you and your comrades shall start training I need you to be prepared for anything, this is war, not a ball!" I said in a deep voice and looked at the fire then back to her putting the neutral expression again "Farewell soldier welcome to the army!" I said as I turned to the firepit my thoughts lingering elsewhere as she exited she said at least "My commander I was honest with every single word of mine!" as I turned she already walked out he was standing there speechless "Little Minx!" I growled

Dana's POV

'We will WHAT?' I squealed in my head, so he will learn us how to wield a weapon but I don't have problems wielding even two so when I was walking out of the commander's tent I was grinning like idiot and walked to Arnold that was chatting with my friends he winked at me as I blushed thank god it was night time so anyone saw me blush as Arnold spoke "So tell me how was the time with our commander, nice tales?" he smirked making me fume god damn it, it's so hard to contain myself I mean if you put the 'Let me rip your guts and cut off your head' aside and the sharp teeth he's rather strong and bulky man and those muscles and the height...'STOOOP' my rational mind screamed at me as everyone looked at my dreamy and drousy everyone beamed and Awwed as I shook from my state and shook my head I walked to the tent and turned my head looking at them rather miscieviously "Oh yeah and by the way, if you're so puffed and pumped tomorrow we'll train ectinsivise! The commander himself said so so away to be wakened in 5 oçlock!" I walked in hearing gasps and moans of disapproving but I knew better than to get on the bad side of the Hessian.

As everyone laid down on the cots two people could not fall asleep as the thoughts of the other one raced through their minds they both looked at the tent's ceiling and thought, some of the thoughts were soft other sinister as the Hessian groaned and rolled to the side remembering the smell of the girl when he was kneeling beside her, and Dana was smiling like school girl at the likings of the Hessian but he could not love her right? She was not lady-like maybe even he was toying with her so it's better to keep it quiet. Hessian on the other hand was afraid to lose you, he was afraid for the first time in his life...

To be continued...

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