Chapter 3 The frightening commander

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"Look!" I said holding my machete down " Is either I give you a hare and you're out for good! And no one gets hurt either or you attack me and I kill you believe me I never miss a beat!" I sat lower to pick up a dead hare never breaking eye contact and throw it at the wolf which gladly accepts the food and walks away I never lose him out of sight it's only then I feel stare on my back I turn around and...


A tall dark figure was lingering behind me as he stood there dark and tall reeking with masculine power, he was calculating something and looking carefully at me as I stood like deer in headlights. 

"Arnold!?" I raised my voice-hearing a rushed walking behind me as the soldier approached me he stood straight as a string when he spotted what I was looking at it was The Hessian, the man that many had nightmares about, the man that slaughtered without flinch, the man that made fear real and smashing just with his look. He stood there the beast with many names but for me, he was a gorgeous beast, the older soldier coughed and reported in german

"Sir, das ist unser Gefangener, aber sie sind überhaupt nicht gefährlich. Sie halfen den Soldaten, fütterten sie, gaben ihnen erste medizinische Hilfe Sir! Darf ich sie bitten, natürlich unter meiner Aufsicht zu bleiben!" (Sir this is our captive but they're no dangerous at all. They helped the soldiers, fed them, gave them first medical help Sir! May I ask them to stay under my supervision of course!)

The Hessian raised one eyebrow as he tilted his head and took a few steps coming closer to where we stood "Ist das so? Und wo genau hast du sie gefunden? ("Is that so? And where exactly did you find her?") he was so close that only now I understood how tall he actually was I looked back at the old soldier that was a bit confused about how to explain it 

"Wir patrouillierten Kommandant, als wir eine Gruppe annähern sahen, und dann dachten wir, sie seien französische Soldaten, aber nein! Sie sprachen auf Bulgarisch und dann sprach sie zuerst, vermisste Dana sie sprach in reinem Deutsch und dann nahmen wir sie mit in unser Lager, andere halfen auch, dass sie den Soldaten Nahrung gab und jetzt jagte sie nach uns, Kommandantin!" ("We were patroling commander when we saw a group approach and then we thought they were French soldiers but no! They talked in Bulgarian and then she talked first, miss Dana she spoke in pure German and then we took them into our camp, others helped too she gave the soldiers food and now she was hunting for us, commander!") 

The old soldier looked at the commander as he weighed the pros and cons obviously as he looked up and down at me and smirked then he spoke in the most heaviest English I've ever heard "Well If you feed my soldiers, your friend help after the diseased ones you might stay but !" he took a heavy pause and let his face closer to mine catching my ching in his huge gloved hands "If you try any trick on me Fuchs, I will not flinch to slice that beautiful head of yours! Is that understood?" he spoke calmly and deeply, inside of my body was a hurricane of emotions that I could not place but he needed an answer and army people especially commanders need to receive then now "Es ist klar wie Kristall!" "("It's clear as crystal!") he smiled and rose to his whole height as he reached for the hares and took half of them then pointed to us to follow him

As he walked I listened very clearly being a huntress thankfully to grandpa made my senses sharper as he walked I peeked a bit at his broad shoulders, black mantle having behind his as if black wings of a death angel, yes he was fascinating man and this man clearly cared for his comrades as we neared the camp he said my name is if calling out a soldier "Frau Dana, may I have few words with you?" he walked a bit slowly as if letting me catch to his pace I walked fast happy with the warm clothes I had when I reached his side he looked at Arnold and commanded "Arnold Gehen Sie ins Lager und bringen Sie disese Hasen lassen sie kochen. Ich habe ein paar Worte mit der Frau!" (Arnold, go to the camp and bring these hares, let them cook these. I have a few words with the woman!") he let the old soldier walk closer to the camp farther from hearing you both. 

He turned his icy-blue eyes and peered at me he took a step closer and looked down at me then he spoke in deep and heavy accent "I hope you understand that you're not in a fairytale little Fuchs, that this is war and it's heavy and responsible, I hope you understand that death linger here and it's not a place for fragile souls like yours!" he crossed his arms as being my mother scolding me for my behavior I smiled and said back to him "You are surely an amazing commander and I am sure about it I know war is no makeup to put on your face, it's much harder and heavier to wear a mantle and weapon that wear a dress, but I want to help, me and my comrades want to help your people will you allow us?" he looked back at him my green eyes peering into his icy ones. Nevertheless, he was taken aback by my speech he expected me to give up and walk away but no "I would never expect a Lady to have balls as a man should!" he smiled toothily at me I smiled and extended my hand he looked down and let his bigger wrap around it in a firm shake I loved to feel his strong arms after all you need the power to lift and swing those swords.

He started walking and me at his trails as if being his shadow but then he stopped and turned around stepping aside "Ladies first" he smiled sharply showing his sharp teeth, I smiled and walked past him as he looked at me bewildered, 'she didn't flinch?' he thought as I walked in front of him he took in my figure I was not a chubby person but shaped in the right places my walk was quiet as if I was stalking pray a habit from the hunting. 

Hessian's POV

'I never thought that I'll meet a woman like her, she's nothing like the others I see, she won't cry if hurt, won't run to be protected, what a woman! And those shapes are gutt very gutt for my eyes!' he thought he was looner never attracting the females they were afraid of him even the whores did it with fear for their lives, he didn't blame them he was a man of a few words but also a man of honor. He liked what he saw in Dana he was strong man and he felt that you won't give up so easily you were a fighter and he wanted to know more about your persona but now you needed to reach the camp it was getting dark as you walked closer you heard chattering and laughs then he saw the others sitting around the campfire and talking with the newbies.

Dana's POV
"Ich habe eine Idee!" ("I have an idea!") I exclaimed looking at the soldiers and then back at the Hessian as he raised an eyebrow for me to continue my thought.

"I think we can make some Glühwein, it will warm up everyone and I have some spices with me, what do you think?" I exclaimed happily and smiled softly as he looked at me he stopped in his tracks making me stop too as I tilted my head like a curious puppy would.

Hessian's POV

I stopped when she smiled like it was a bucket of cold water over my body I froze I never knew that this girl would make me feel a thing I've never felt before. She was unique indeed but she waited for an answer so I composed myself making it look like I was thinking "Then I shall bring the wine, ja?" I smiled and barked some commands at the soldiers to get everything ready as I nodded to her and walked to the tent with the wine. Walking to it I was fighting in my head 'What is wrong with me she's just a girl...yes but not like the others...She has no fear...Maybe but what is she''ll keep an eye on her, that's all!' and I nodded to myself walking into the tent.

To be continued...

The Hessian Horseman x OC  ( Sleepy Hollow)Where stories live. Discover now