Chapter 4 The Death Equine

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Hessian's POV

I stopped when she smiled like it was a bucket of cold water over my body I froze I never knew that this girl would make me feel a thing I've never felt before. She was unique indeed but she waited for an answer so I composed myself making it look like I was thinking "Then I shall bring the wine, ja?" I smiled and barked some commands at the soldiers to get everything ready as I nodded to her and walked to the tent with the wine. Walking to it I was fighting in my head 'What is wrong with me she's just a girl...yes but not like the others...She has no fear...Maybe but what is she''ll keep an eye on her, that's all!' and I nodded to myself walking into the tent.


Hessian's POV

I walked into the tent where the wine was held and skimmed my gloved hands over the bottles my mind still with this woman, she was indeed young did she had a love of her heart, a family,  she was so pale and with green eyes and red hair "Kleiner Fuchs" he whispered under his breath, taking few bottles the rest he'll send in the soldiers to take if they want to warm up. I heard some fuss going outside and signed muttering a rather loud "Scheiße" and shaking my head imagining what again would happen in there as I walked out of the tent only to see...

Meanwhile, as the Commander walks into the tent.

Dana's POV

I walked to Arnold who asked me with his eyes 'Is everything okay?' and I nodded back to him that yes indeed everything is okay, he smiled as the wrinkles around his eyes appeared and his white mustache raise with his smile. A little swearing was heard as I heard a galloping sounds my heart froze and I expected us to be an ambush on our camp as I gripped my machete tight ready to fight back. The galloping came closer as everyone braced themselves as a rather huge horse came galloping toward the tents with the sick and injured as everything in me screamed to stop the horse! As I ran to the side I was looking for the reins and 'there they are' I thought, catching the reins I pulled as much strength I had stopping the horse from galloping as it slid and fell to the side I hopped over its neck to stop it from standing she was breathing hard and heavy, then I felt it she was scared. She was a beautiful black color but her eyes, her eyes were blue so gorgeous stallion I've never seen before.

"Hello girl, shh...shh its okay sweet girl don't be scared!" I talked in a really quiet voice as if lulling the horse to sleep he breath calmed as I stood from her neck and shoulder junction, she raised slowly and bowed her head up and down as If greeting me I petted her and nuzzled her nose as she gave me a peck on mine I smiled and petted her I knew this type of horses an English thoroughbred stallion they were bred that liked to bite and attack humans those horses were called "Deadly equines" when I petted her black fur my hand felt moisture and when I removed it a blood was covering it, yes I was right but why she hasn't killed me yet?

"So let give you a name shall we ?" she neighed and bowed her head again turning her whole body towards me "Well how about...Furcht!?" I exclaimed as the horse neighed and raised to her hind legs running around me as I laughed "Okay then Furcht we'll do now let's get you cleaned!" as I took the reins I only now recognized the emotions on the soldiers faces looking bewildered and respectful as Arnold was sitting next to the heating pot and winked towards me, then I hard that deep voice behind me "Furcht, you say?" I turned to see the Hessian standing there.

Hessian's POV

I walked with the wine outside the tent only to be met with rather huge equine galloping at full speed towards the tents the next moment I wanted to drop the wine I saw her racing towards the horse without a speck of fear. She took a hold of the reins and stopped the horse inches before it ran through the tent, she sat on top of its neck and tried to calm the horse down she talked something to the horse as I called to the soldier to take the wine and bring more to the pot I took few strides. I watched her interact with the horse and the horse was definitely agreeing with her jumping around as if it was nor furious a few moments ago but a calm and loyal puppy I stood closer to them and hear their conversation "Well how about...Furcht!?" she exclaimed as the horse neighed and raised to its hind legs running around her as she laughed "Okay then Furcht we'll do now let's get you cleaned!" my heart thumped in my chest when I heard her laugh but that woman, she just stopped a mad horse and saved my comrades again. 'She really is something' I thought as I walked a bit closer unnoticed and said

"Furcht, you say?" she turned around and was surprised to see me "Yes!" she beamed as if receiving the gift of her life "It means Fear, that what she inflicted over the people here!" she said in excited tone 'What kind of woman are you, how mysterious you are?' I thought and looked at the horse it was indeed a she, "We'll keep her if you can train her she's yours after all you tamed her!" Dana gasped and smiled nodding "I shall, I will this is an amazing horse if you want I will tell you more about it she is a gem, unusual one!" she exclaimed making me raise a brow "Fein, but be fast clean her and meet me at my tent!" I walked into my tent and let breath out I didn't realize I held, she knew so much about the horses didn't she, she also was so enthusiastic about the story she was about to tell me and I wanted to hear it but mostly I wanted her to be near me.

Dana's POV

I walked with my new friend as my friends surrounded me and started to beam at the horse I shook my head and smiled at their childish antics Furcht snorted behind me and shook her head as if warning so I spoke from her name "Guys, guys calm damn this is a special equine, it a Death Equine!" everyone gasped as Dobi spoke "Wait! Death Horses the one we learn about in our history classes I thought it was a myth a tattle-tale!" he looked bewildered at the horse and I swear if the horse could smirk she would. "Guys I need to wash her, she's covered in blood and guts and she needs some grooming!" I exclaimed as Nia laughed and said "If you could see the face of the Hessian dude, he was like in trance watch out he'll snatch you away from us!" they laughed as I walked with my friend to groom and clean her, she was jumping and kicking but of course playfully. Walking to the place where horses were held I cleaned and groomed her, her fur coat was now black as the night, her eyes still piercing blue peering back at me as she nudged my side I giggled and petted her, then I spoke "Will you be a good girl for me and try not to destroy the campus while I have business attend to? Hmm?" she shook her head up and down and snorted nuzzling my hand as I petted her muzzle and combed her beautiful mane.

Walking to Arnold he was sitting around the pot and waiting for something I reached in a pocket and took out the spices and dried fruits "Arnold?" he turned to see me handing him the bag with goodies "Will you do me the favor?"  he laughed and shook as jelly would then he slicked his mustache and smiled "Ja mein Frau! Mit großer Freude!" ( Yes Ma'm with great pleasure!") I looked around and then back to him "Arnold where's the Commander's tent?" he squinted his eyes as a clever ferret and took a deep inhale of his tobacco pipe and pointed with it towards the tent with some symbols engraved on it. I came closer to it until the flaps opened revealing the Hessian himself we stood so close a moment of silence as our eyes met I felt my stomach tighten and heart started to beat even harder as he made a movement to let me in I walked past him but he never broke his gaze 

He stood there waiting for me to turn around and as I did he looked at me with emotion I could not place as he fastened the flaps of the tent and took a breath in turning around only now I saw his big and bulky body, his broad shoulders and the way he walked as wolf stalked his prey he stopped in front of me and spoke.

"Frau Dana!"

To be continued...

The Hessian Horseman x OC  ( Sleepy Hollow)Where stories live. Discover now