3rd Person
It had been 2 months and both boys were broken. Gerard did a lot more drugs and wound up sleeping around a lot. Frank was miserable and everyday felt like hell. Frank was taking it easier than Gerard though. Gerard was depressed and he knew it. He didn't need a doctor to tell him he was cause he just knew. Gerard knew a lot of things too. He knew he fucked up his and Frank's relationship again and that he was fucking up his life. Pete and Patrick stopped trying to get through to him after he changed his number. He broke up with Bert and shut out everyone. Frank was almost the same way. He gave Alex his record shop and works at Starbucks with Ryan, Brendon's boyfriend. Ryan was so nice and was trying to help Frank, but Frank didn't want help. He wanted Gerard. Both boys went to bed every night higher than Brendon's forehead and tear stained cheeks.
Pretending, that was something Frank had become good at. He hide behind a fake smile and a fake laugh for the last two months. He had become fake. Everyday he felt less and less alive, like a ghost just wishing to leave this place we call earth. He walked into the Starbucks he became familiar with and flashed Ryan a fake smile, which Ryan flashed back. You see, Ryan was oblivious to Frank's actions, how he did stupid things hoping he would die from them. Ryan thought Frank was okay. But he was so wrong. "Working late again?" Frank asked. "Boss is closing early, which is good cause Brendon comes home today." Ryan said. Ryan was cute, Frank had to admit it. But he wasn't Gerard. Gerard had stolen Frank's heart and beat it with a stick three times. Frank was used to it now. He learned that to cope all he had to do was fake it. "That's great! I'm so happy for you." Frank said. He smiled his fake smile as Ryan rambled on about his boyfriend. Frank could careless. He wanted a boyfriend, scratch that. He wanted Gerard, the boy with black hair and hazel eyes that he came to love. But he was never gonna get him back cause this time, Frank had fucked up. He lost the only person he'd ever trusted in his life cause he was too scared to face the fact that Gerard wasn't normal and never will be. "I'm back!" A voice yelled. Both Frank and Ryan shot up, smiling at the sight of Brendon. Ryan ran over to his boyfriend and hugged him. "I've missed you so much." He said. "You should've never left." Brendon said. Frank rolled his eyes and got back to work, almost fighting a costumer cause he told Frank the wrong order than yelled at Frank for his mistake. "I'm leaving early. I can't take this anymore." Frank said. "I hope he's okay." Ryan said. "Me too Ry, me too." Brendon replied. Frank walked home and smiled as soon as he stepped into the house. He picked up the pill bottle and took two of them. Not the good kind, the illegal kind. He smiled to himself as he felt his head start spinning. He giggled at the feeling and decided to take a walk, since it was only 9pm. Frank stumbled to a park near by his house. He sat on the bench and saw a very familiar face on the bench staring at him, one with pitch black hair. "Fuck no." Frank breathed into the air. "Frank?" Gerard said. Frank ignored him. "I know you're not deaf and I know you can hear me. Fuck are you high?" Gerard said. "What does it matter to you?" Frank said. "Your health matters to me. Cause I still love you." Gerard said. "Well news flash Gerard. I don't love you anymore. Doesn't Bert miss you or something?" Frank shot, glaring at his ex boyfriend. "No, actually. I dumped him." Gerard said. Frank just stood there. "Why?" He asked, much calmer. Gerard let out a breathe. "I needed you, but I can see now you don't need me." Gerard said. "Damn right I don't. Just leave. Don't come back either." Frank said, running away from Gerard. Gerard stood there for a minute, starting at where Frank just stood before slowly walking home, hoping someone is this fucking city jumped out an killed him. He wouldn't care so why should everyone else?

This Entire Book Belongs in Jail pt.2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang