I woke up and saw the bus had stopped. One of the signs read 'Belleville Bus Station'. I hated the fact I was right back where I was 6 years ago. I hadn't been to Belleville in 6 years. That physically hurt. "Frank!" A familiar voice yelled. Standing there with his short ass munchkin boyfriend was none other than Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump.

"Well I'll be damned." I said. "What're you doing here in Belleville? And who's this? That is not Mikey Way." Pete said. "In the flesh." Mikey said. "Shit. Look at you. You're all grown up. Haven't seen you in forever." Pete said. "I'm here because Mikey's mom left shit for me and Mikey." I said. "May we come? Haven't seen you in 6 years." Pete said. "Yeah." I said. We walked down the familiar road to the house where I lost the love of my life. As I stood on the porch, all the memories came back.

"Don't do this to me again." I said. "Fucking watch me." He said. He stormed right into his house, grabbed his bag and stormed to his car, that I didn't know he had. "Gerard!" I yelled as he drove away.

"You alright?" Pete asked. "Yeah." I said, wiping away my tears. We walked inside and the memories flooded my head. Mine and Gerard's first time, the first time we kissed, the first time we had a real conversation and understood each other, my first boyfriend, my first love, my first everything. We walked into the familiar kitchen where Donna used to make breakfast and when I babysat Mikey 10 years ago. The lawyer at the table. "We're missing someone. Oh well he'll get here." The lawyer said. "To my baby boy Mikey, I leave half of my money. It is to be put in his guardians hands until he is 21. To Frank, my favourite of Gerard's ex's, I leave you my house and the belongings left in it, except for Gerard's that is. And all were waiting for is Gerard." The lawyer said.

Gerard wasn't coming. We all knew that. Gerard wouldn't want to be anywhere near me. I looked around the house, since it was mine now. They're were two bedrooms upstairs and I knew they're was one downstairs, but I wasn't gonna go there. "You wanna stay here Mikey? I can end the lease for my apartment back in Trenton. Plus you know a lot of people here." I said. "Yeah. I miss it a lot. They do know Gerard isn't coming right?" Mikey said.

"If Gerard shows up it will be a miracle." I said. Mikey walked into his old room and laid on his bed. "Just the way I left it." He said. It looked so different from his room when he was 7. "Should we see his old room? Maybe it'll bring some peace to you." Mikey said. "Yeah. I guess." We walked downstairs and into the basement.

It still smelt like him, even after 10 years. I saw all of our clothes sprawled on the floor. The alcohol, cocaine, and pills were just where he left them. Everything screamed Gerard. It was like he was still here, That we were still 18 and 16 and fooling around like the teenagers we were, before everything went wrong and crashed down my entire world. "If we're gonna stay we should let Pete and Patrick know." Mikey said. I nodded and walked upstairs. "Make up your mind?" Pete asked. "We're staying, for good." I said. And just as I said that, someone ran through the door. Everyone looked up at the same time.

"Sorry I'm late. You wouldn't believe how much traffic we have in the city." I wish I could say I was hallucinating and that it was all my imagination, but it wasn't. "Gerard?" He looked right up at me. His hair was black now and his eyes looked so dull. "Frank." He said. I felt like I was about to cry and that I was suffocating. He was the first to run over and hug me, but I was the one to push him away this time. "10 years. 10 fucking years with no calls, no explanation, no nothing. 4 of those years I was locked away. You wanna know why Gerard? I have schizophrenia. I see you every where I go. I can't escape you." I said. I was furious. Gerard looked hurt and taken back from my words.

"I'm sorry Frank, I really am. I was upset and angry and-fuck. I just wanted to make ends meet." He said. "By fucking things up more?" I said. "These last 10 years have been hell. I've missed you so much." He said. "Bull shit." I said. "Can I talk to I my brother I haven't seen in 10 years! Jesus!" Mikey yelled. I walked away and let Mikey and Gerard talk. "It's been such a long time Mikey. Fuck you're all grown up." Gerard said. "This isn't real. I'm crazy. I've fucking lost it." I said to Pete. "Nope. We see him too. If we didn't you'd be in the nuthouse again." Pete said.

"I need a minute." I said and walked outside. I sat on the porch and breathed in the air. "I see you haven't changed much in 10 years." Gerard said. "Hooray! You're back! Want a round of applause?" I said, sarcastically. "We both knew I was fucked up Frank. It was just a bit of time til I snapped. That day was my breaking point. You knew it would happen." He said.

"This isn't real. I'm gonna close my eyes, reopen them and you'll be gone." I said. "Believe what you want." He said, siting down next to me. I closed my eyes for ten seconds and reopened them just to still see him. "What did I get from my mom?" He said. "Ask the fucking lawyer." I said. He got up and went inside. "He hasn't changed at all. Still thinks he can take off and just make people like him again." Pete said. I walked inside to see what was going on. "I got half of my mom's money and the house." Gerard said. No fucking way. "Are you fucking serious? I have to share a house with you!?" I yelled. "Wait you got the house too?" Gerard said. "No shit." I said. "It's fine. I'll just stay in the basement." He said. "Fine with me." I said. "Can you mature a bit? You're fucking 26 years old. We're not 18 and 16 anymore. You need to grow up and get your shit together cause I don't like the disrespect I'm getting in my mom's house." He said.

"It's technically my house now." I said. "Ours." He corrected. "Whatever I have to head back to Trenton to get my shit." I said. "I have to go to the city, so I'll just go with you." Gerard said. "Fine. Only cause I have to get used to your stupid ass again." I said. "I'm driving you no if ands or buts. Just give me the address." He said. I gave him the address and he put it in his GPS. "You live an hour and 24 minutes from here? I only live about 38 minutes from here." He said. "Bravo! Want a prize?" I said. "I love you like a brother Frank but you're giving me a headache. Shut the fuck up." Mikey said. "Hey! Don't swear." Gerard said. "You swore when you were 17." Mikey shot back.

Gerard rolled his eyes. "I can't win can I?" He mumbled and got onto the freeway. He put on the radio to end the awkward silence. An old Green Day song came on. Me and Gerard sang along like we did in Gym. "Déjà vu much?" I said. He laughed. "Yeah. Remember when we sat out in gym and just did whatever the fuck we wanted to?" Gerard said.

"Those were the days. Before we got old." I said. "We're not old yet, just getting there." Gerard said. "At least you twats stopped fighting enough to relate for 3 seconds." Mikey said. "We're all gonna have to get along if we're gonna live together." I said. "I can actually live with my older brother now. Surprise." Mikey said. We chatted until we got to my house and I somehow felt that one day in the future I could forgive Gerard Way for leaving me for 10 years.

This Entire Book Belongs in Jail pt.2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora