The next morning, he was gone. I thought he was just a hallucination until I saw the note.
Went to store. We don't have any food.
I smiled at how neat his handwriting was compared to mine. I got up and got ready to find a job. "Heading out?" Gerard asked. "Yeah. Gonna see my mom and look for a job." I said. Gerard nodded, running a hand through his black hair. "See you later." He said. I walked down the road and across the street to the familiar house. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. "Frank? Is that you?" Mom said. I didn't say anything and just pulled her into a hug. "I've missed you so much." I cried. "You're all grown up. God how old are you?" She asked. "I'm 26." I asked. "I haven't seen you since you were 16 and fuck. Gerard leaving must of messed you up huh?" Mom said. "Yeah. It really did. But he's back now and I'm happy about that." I said. "He waited ten years Frank. Are you sure somethings not up?" She asked. "I doubt it. It's the same Gerard, just more mature and he has black hair. Well mature for Gerard cause Gerard will never be mature." I said. Mom laughed. "How've you been?" She asked. "Insane. I have schizophrenia and I kept seeing Gerard every where and the hallucination disappeared when Gerard came back and I'm so messed up." I replied. Mom sighed. "How's Gerard?" She asked. "Fine. He's bubbly and happy and I don't wanna fuck that up." I responded. She nodded. "That's good. What're you doing back in Belleville?" She questioned. "Donna left me and Gerard the house. We're living together with Mikey. He graduates this year." I said. She nodded. "That's lovely honey, well I gotta go. See ya around." She said. I nodded and walked down the road. I decided to head to the pizza place since they're hiring. "Well if it isn't Frank Iero." I looked up and saw Jessica. "Jessica. What are you doing in Belleville?" I asked. "The question is what are you doing here? I live in Belleville, or has 6 years changed you?" She said. "Oh. I forgot. I'm living with Gerard you know." I said. "He's back?" She said. "Yeah. I've missed him a lot and it's nice to see him." I said. She nodded. "Well I gotta get back to work. Nice chatting with you." Jessica said. I grabbed an application and walked home. "I put in an application for Hot Topic, but I'm pretty sure they won't hire me. I mean who wants to hire an old man?" Gerard said. "They might. Try Spencer's cause that'd be the perfect job for you." I said. Gerard laughed. "Yeah cause I'd just love to sell dildos to people all day." Gerard said. I smiled and sat down. "I got an application for the pizza place." I said. "That's good. Mikey went to enroll at the school and get caught up on some old friends." Gerard said. I nodded. We sat there and talked for what felt like hours and honestly, I didn't want it to end.

This Entire Book Belongs in Jail pt.2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon