Chapter 15) All mine

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This veggie soup he made was pretty good, despite having limited ingredients. I turned to look at him, he looked so fucking adorable with that skirt on. I couldn't help looking at him... there were so many thoughts going through my mind then. All of the things I wanted to do to him.

I finished my dinner first and went to go wash my dish, he finished soon after. I rinsed his bowl real quick, and gave him a few pets for being so good. As a treat I gave him a little gummy bear and he didn't even chew it he just swallowed. I grabbed the leash that I had wrapped around my seat.

"Come on puppy, mama's got a surprise for you" he followed me into the room.

"Get on the bed puppy and lay on your back, okay?" he barked in response, and followed his commands.

"Now I'm gonna tie you down, and blind fold you, is that okay?" He nodded and looked at me with those sweet doe eyes.

I got the rope and restrained his limbs to the bed posts, he looked so pretty spread out how he was. For the cherry on top, I blindfolded him with my pretty bandana.

"I want you to stay as quiet as possible, if you fail to do so, I'm gonna put a muzzle on your pretty mouth"

"Yes miss" he finally spoke up, but it only got him a harsh slap

"Dogs don't talk dummy, so you better shut the fuck up" he whined and squirmed a little bit.

I grabbed a little feather toy from my nightstand and began grazing it along his arms and torso. It was just to get him started. As soon as he got used to the feathers, I stopped and scratched him up pretty nicely. I wanted to see how he'd react with such contrast in sensations.

I straddled him, and began whispering things that I knew would get him all needy and hard.

"You wanna fuck me huh? Fill me up and use me?" He bit his lip, I'm pretty sure to keep him from whining, but it didn't stop me.

"Or do you want my pretty, warm mouth on your cock hm?" That got a squirm out of him.

His nipples were hard so I began to play with them. I didn't realize he was so sensitive. I teased him a little with my hands and mouth. I could feel that he was trying his hardest to not make a noise. His cock was hard from some simple nipple play, he was so fucking pathetic. I began grinding on his growth painfully slow.

"M-Mama please" he finally broke

"Please what bitch?"

"Please ride me" I could feel him bucking his hips upward

"You're such a greedy little mutt aren't you? I don't think you deserve it, you should be grateful with what you get"

For that I started grinding even more slower than before, I could feel him shaking. Puppy wanted my pussy so bad, but wasn't going to give in that easily. I got off of him and fondled his balls. He would try and get away every time I squeezed them a bit, but his efforts were futile. It was so cute watching him struggle.

I went to go grab the show stopper of the night, his surprise. When all of a sudden he started jerking around and making noises

"Is everything okay pup?"

"I feel really weird miss"

"Awhhh whats wrong puppy" I knew what was wrong.

"I just feel so funny, I don't know how to describe it"

I took off his blindfold and his eyes were bloodshot and dilated. I gave him an edible gummy.

"Awh is the puppy high? Do you feel dazed?"

"miss I've never been high please"

"Don't worry I'm here to take care of you dog"

He stopped talking and looked around confused, I took this as a message to get on with show. I pulled out a pretty knife, at this point he saw everything. I could see his eyes, they got wide. He seemed filled with fear. I got nice and close to his face and began dragging the knife along his collarbones.

"Is this okay pup?" He nodded with no response, poor thing was absolutely petrified.

I held it down on his throat

"You know I could kill you right now?" I took it off quickly and kissed his forehead "but I wouldn't because you're important to me"

I dragged it down his chest and tummy and I could tell that he was sucking in his tummy, because as soon as I lifted the knife he took a deep breath.

I kept going lower and lower until I reached the base of his cock. I held the point softly and dragged it along his shaft.

"NO MISS PLEASE NO NO" I guess he was most sensitive there, or scared either way I got up close to his face and put my hands around his throat.

"You don't fucking tell me what I can and can't do with my property, you're just a toy that I can play with, understand?" I let go and he began hyperventilating, and nodding.
After that I put him in a muzzle, because I was tired of his little protests.

I sat near the edge of the bed and noticed that he would doze off for a few seconds before jerking back awake. I realized now was the time for the surprise.

"Hey angel? Do you trust me?" I said while caressing his thigh. He nodded and said yes with his eyes. I simply shook my head at him and grabbed my knife. "Good"

I looked him deeply in his eyes, while dragging the point on his thigh. I added pressure ever so slightly with each second and pierced his skin. He jerked away, but his moans were adorable. I continued slowly, I'm sure it hurt less now that he was under the influence. I kept going slowly, I carved him. I made him mine. Every single stroke with the knife was one closer to him being mine and only mine. It was the last one, he was crying, but his cock was still hard.

"You've been so good for me puppy" he looked at me with those begging eyes. I knew what he wanted.

I held his cock in my hand and set my knife to the side, I began jerking him off slowly while keeping eye contact with him. Once I got the rhythm down, I licked his tip slowly. It was so fun to tease him, all he could do was take it. I licked from his base to the tip and went back down to suck on his pretty balls. His grunts sounded so pretty through that muffle. Finally I took him all in completely and let him fuck my face. He deserved it, he was being so good for me. After a while of that a held his hips down and did it myself instead. He was so close, I felt it. Finally he finished in my mouth, he tasted so good and I honestly couldn't get enough of it. I wanted to go for seconds, but I had to clean him up. He was dripping with cum and blood, it was messy but so attractive. I took his skirt off bc it was covered in blood and tossed it to the side.

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