Chapter 12) 10 minutes

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I waited for thirty minutes on a cold bench for the bus, but at this point I'd do anything to get him home. Finally I saw the bus in the near distance, I got up and took out my bus fare. Once I got in I realized it was the same bus driver from before, I really loved this lady. She gave off sweet mom vibes. This time I sat near the front hoping to get a better view.


Half an hour later I came to my stop, I thanked the driver before getting off and looked around. Only to find him knocked out on the same goddamn bench. It's so fucking cold and it's very late for him to be out. I quickly crossed the street since there were no cars coming and went up to him. He was definitely out cold. I began shaking him to make him wake up.

"ALEEJANDROOOO" I said but he just groaned. So I didn't stop. I began softly slapping his face.

"huh.." he finally says while opening an eye.

"AH BABY!" I got so excited I began kissing him all over, my pretty boy I had missed him so much so when he had pushed me away, I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Get the fuck off of me" he protested

"I'm sorry Angel, I just.." he cut me off

"Don't call me angel what the fuck, don't call me anything. I want you to leave me alone"

"Alex please?"

"Please what? what do you want from me? You've already hurt me enough, I don't want to deal with you anymore. You're not good for me" I'm not good for him, I hurt him. Fuck tears began forming, maybe he was right.

"Ale, I know I know I messed up, but I was thinking so so much. I really was and I want to try for us. I want to be better for you" I quickly grabbed his hand while he was listening and it felt good that he didn't pull away "just listen to me for ten minutes please"

"Okay fine" I could see him trying to hold back his tears.

I got closer and took my paper out to make my points. I couldn't help stuttering I was so nervous. I basically acknowledged how I caused him pain and told him how I really wanted to make up for it. There was a lot of other things too like telling him how he made me feel or how I knew he was the one. He began crying, I wiped his tears.

"Don't cry baby, it's gonna be okay. We can take it slow" I assured him.

He looked me right in the eyes. Before kissing me.

"Fuck I missed this so much. I missed you so much" he began to cry harder. And at this point I let him. I just held him closer and tighter. I wanted to make him feel like he was never gonna be let go again, and he wasn't. He was my boy.

"You're okay sweetheart, I'm right here, just let it all out" I said softly. It was getting cold so I smoothly put my hand in his pockets with his. I felt something other than a hand and I pulled it out.

"Uhh.. what the fuck? Are these mine" I said but he just snatched them back

"No.. they're.. MINE" he protested.

"Oh I know you'd look pathetic in lingerie but these are definitely mine" I claimed. He looked down.

"I just thought they smelled pretty... it was comforting to hold them AND WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT I JUST MISSED YOU??" he exclaimed

"You're adorable, but lets go home please I'm cold" I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer and we waited for the bus. We were silent until the bus came. We sat in the back like last time.

"Hey you wanna be my boyfriend?" I asked. He sat up and looked very surprised

"What really? You mean it?" He questioned

"Yes dummy, but we'll take it slow just to get used to stuff again" I said

"Hmm I dunno. You gotta make me dinner for a whole week and maybe I'll consider it!!" He requested.

"Okay okay!! Finnnne" I complied


We were finally home and he looked at me back at the couch. And he kind of dropped his head

"Hey angel you don't gotta sleep on the couch if you don't want to, you can sleep with me, okay?" He just nodded. "Go lay down okay I'll be there soon"

I was so happy he was finally home with me. Honestly those ten minutes of convincing felt like hours. I'm just glad it worked out. I missed him.

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