Goodbye (Finale Part 2)

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With an annoyed eye roll and huff, I wiped the unshed, salty tears away and continued running. I ignored the voices that flew around me and kept my eyes away from them, only paying attention to what stood in front of me. The sound of my footsteps and uneasy breathes bounced off the walls colliding against the sound of my memories, which in turn created a bunch of conflicted echoes.

"Anyone else see the second moon that casually just spawned in the sky?"

"Leave me alone to die! I wanna sleep!"

"Taking the freedom that's rightfully ours."

"It's not! You just have no taste!"

"Run, you shit."

"Dude, there are better ways to wake her up."

And cue my feet coming to a halt, once again, as I turned- for the first time- to face the voices, seeing where this specific one came from. I stared intensely at the light fragment that casually floated beside me, and after a while of starting, I noticed the scene that played within it. It was our pillow fight... the one moment where everything felt perfect, and we could be childish and carefree.

The dream- or memory- I was experiencing wasn't particularly memorable, but I wasn't expecting to be woken up by the soft blow of reality or, in other words, Virgil chucking a pillow at my face as a means of waking me. Effective, but not practical.

"She wasn't responding any other way, man..."

"I'd move out of the way if I were you. Remember what happened last time you did that?" I moved my hands towards my face, trying to figure out what the smooth object was.

"Good po-" Before Virgil could finish his sentence, the said smooth object- the damned pillow that awoke me from my not so peaceful slumber- found its place on his smug face.

"Don't wake me up like that again."

"Told you."

A muffled sound came from under the pillow, which amused me. "Can't hear you." The sing-song hint of entertainment was extremely evident in my teasing voice. He repeated his muffled sound- louder this time- but his words continued unreadable. "Still nothing."

I wish I could go back to this moment and have it repeat on a loop, but alas, things don't work like that. Though, that thought didn't stop me from laughing loudly at the ridiculous scene of us all missing our targets, and beginning a pillow war that ended up involving our powers and making us live in a feathery wonderland.

"Your friends don't have the best aim, do they?" An amused male elderly voice mused from beside me. At first, I thought it to be only another memory, but when I looked, I saw a familiar man standing next to me. Cane in hand, wrinkled smiling face and suit perfectly ironed as per usual.

"Mr. Nelson!" How was this possible? Hadn't he... passed away a few years back?

"You were taking long. Thought I'd check to see what held you. It seems I shouldn't have worried myself." I opened my mouth to question him, but he was already on his way. "Don't stand there with your mouth open, or you'll catch flies."

Two Worlds Will Collide (Young Justice The Runaways fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant