No More Promises

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On the other side of the door stood a guy dressed in all black with what looked like a bird on his chest and a black mask on his face. I recognized him as Nightwing. Next to him was a green woman who looked like she worked with Martian Manhunter, and was floating. Behind them was a weird bike thing that I couldn't exactly identify, but it looked alien. And in front of them were a bunch of knocked out Reach soldiers. 'Unexpected, but handy.'

The guy who helped us rescue the heroes immediately ran to Nightwing while we went back to helping the heroes walk.

"Everyone safe?"

"For now."

"The crystal key?"

"Gone. And we better get gone too before one of them declares a winner."

"Right. Move out." These were instructions that I had absolutely no problem in following. I wanted out of here, and I wanted it now.

We quickly ran through the alien ship before arriving in front of a smaller ship. 'The same one from when they saved us...' The heroes carried themselves in while Nightwing came to talk to us.

"I think congratulations are in order. No training, no guidance and yet you pulled it off." Those are compliments... right? "When we get back after a debrief there might be a place for all of you with the team." This guy can't be serious...

"Wow... really?"

"Of course, we save their asses, and then they don't mind us not being guinea pigs..." Tye looked at me for a second. 'Did I say that out loud?'

"So now that we saved your butts, you're cool with us not being Star Labs' guinea pigs." Yes, yes I did.

"Dude, chill."

"Before we head back we need to talk about Blue Beetle. He betrayed us." Of course, it had to be about him. He's probably the reason what they got captured in the firsts place.

"Look who's talking. Last thing I remember is you blowing an airlock without warning. Nearly got us all killed and absolutely guaranteed our capture."

"Hey! After eight years on ice, there's no way I was getting grabbed again, and in case you didn't notice my escape resulted in you being free now to stand here and complain. So how about a thank you."

"You're right Arsenal." So his hero name is Arsenal... cool name. "Thank you. And after we get back to earth you're off. The. Team." My eyes widen as I took a step forward.


"W-W-Wait a minute!"

"If it wasn't for Arsenal we wouldn't have rescued anyone."

"That may be, but this isn't the first time he's pulled this kind of stunt... intentionally endangering the lives of teammates in order to further his own agenda or guard against his own personal demons. It's unacceptable. So until you prove yourself a team player, you have no place on this team."


"Felicity what are you-" someone grabbed my arm and I already knew who it was, but they weren't going to stop me. Not when I'm pissed.

"Oh, hell no! Virgil hands off!" I yanked my arm from his hold and took a step in front of Arsenal. "Man, you gotta be stupid or something!"


"Oh, no, no you don't. Don't you go interrupting me when I'm mad." Haven't gotten mad like this before... this isn't going to end well... "Look, I got no idea what he's done before or what happened to him to make him act this way but you have absolutely no right whatsoever to talk to him like that! How would you act if you had been encased in ice for eight years?! You wouldn't be all happy and chipper now would you?!" He opened his mouth to answer. "No, you wouldn't. I have no idea who the fuck you are and I could honestly care less, so before opening your godforsaken mouth how about thinking?!"

Two Worlds Will Collide (Young Justice The Runaways fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant