Not so successfull escape

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We ran to a bus deport, that we considered far enough from Star Labs. By this point in time, we had all put our hoodies and/or jackets. When we got there, we saw two payphones standing on the opposite side of the street, so both Virgil and I decided to call our families. No, actually Virgil decided to call his family while I just decided to call Claire since my phone had gotten destroyed, thanks to me being kicked into the ocean one month ago.

"¿Hola?"I held back a chuckle. Claire only begins a conversation in Spanish when she doesn't know who she's talking to.

I took a small gulp of air before letting a shaky breath leave my lips. Time to be serious. "Hi, Claire..."

"It can't be... Felicity?!"

"Y-Yeah... it's me." So, stuttering is apparently, the definition of being serious...

"We've been worried sick, chica!"

"I know... that's why I called. I needed to tell you that I'm splendid." I cringed. Lying never was my forte.

"I'm sorry, splendid? That sounds like something you'd say if you were kidnapped! We're you kidnapped?! Where are you now?!"

"I... I wasn't kidnapped... promise..." I winced. I was lying to protect her... I was lying to protect her... "... but I can't tell you where I am..."


"I just can't..."

"Fine... then tell me where you've been these last two months!"

"I... I can't tell you that either... I-"

"What do you mean you can't tell me?! Felicity... what happened?"

"Look, just trust me... okay? I promise everything's fine... I just can't go home for a while..."

"And why not?! If everything's fine, then you should be able to go back home!"

"I... look, there are are some things I gotta do before going home..."

"Like what?"

"I can't tell you that either... not now, at least..."

"Felicity... you're scaring me..."

"Can you just trust me? Please?" There was a moment of silence before I heard a sigh.

"Alright... I'll trust you, but... when you've done whatever the hell it is that your gonna do... you have to tell me what happened... okay?"

"Okay, I promise."

"And go home! Your Abuela has been worried, sick! And Maria hasn't been any better..."

"Are they alright?"

"They're fine, just... worried. We all are..."


"... It's... It's late... just... just be careful, ok?"

"I will... and Claire?"


"Please don't tell my nonna or Maria that I called you..."

"Felicity I can't do-"


She stayed silent for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh. "Esta bien. yo prometo, no diré nada. (Alright, I promise, I won't say anything.)"

"Gracias, amiga."

"Tiene cuidado... (Be careful...)"

"Prometto." (A/N: This may prove to be confusing in the future, cause I'm going to have conversions in English, Spanish or Portuguese where Felicity starts speaking Italian. Just a warning, in case anyone tells me, that "promise" in Spanish doesn't have two t's, it is in Italian, not Spanish). The moment I heard a beep sound, I let out a heavy breath that I never knew I had been holding. Then it dawned on me. I had probably made things worse by calling. 'I probably only worried her more! I shouldn't have called! You stupid, stupid idiot! Think before you-'

"Felicity? Hey, earth to Felicity. Are you ok?" I snapped out of my daze and looked up only to be met with Virgil's worried gaze.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm good."

"You sure? You seemed lost in thought, and your face was all scrunched up."

I gave him a closed eye smile before answering with the happiest voice I could muster. "No, no, I'm just peachy! Don't worry." I inwardly cringed. 'Ugh, peachy, really?! That sounded so fake.'

"Ok, but if you need to, you know, talk, I'm here."

"Thanks." The conversation ended there as both of us made our way back to the bus depot. The window doors slid open and let us in. I passed by a frowning Tye, sat don't between Asami and Ed, placed both my hands in my hoodie pocket, and closing my eyes.

"Dude, I can't believe you two called your families. No way I'm going back to mine."

I opened my eyes and looked up at Tye, meeting his intense stare. "I called my best friend, not my family. Plus, unlike you, I didn't run away. I was gonna meet my other best friend at the airport." He diverted his gaze to Virgil but said nothing.

"Look, I know the Reach was abducting runaways, but with me, they got it wrong. I was grabbed while waiting at a train station to meet my sista. My folks and I, we're good. And they must be worried sick." I glanced between Virgil, who was smiling and Tye, who was still scowling. I re-closed my eyes. 'Grandma's also worried... but I want her to be safe.' "So, yeah, I called them. I left a voicemail asking them to wire some money. So the five of us could get bus tickets to Dakota city. My home town."

"That's your plan? How are we supposed to find a cure, in Dakota city?" 'And another one who's pissed. Damn, this just isn't our day, is it?' I huffed lightly before opening my eyes again. I then pulled my legs onto the seat and placed them against my chest.

Virgil gave Ed a worried look before moving towards a vending machine. "No idea." 'And everyone's favorite phrase. Strikes once again.' "Except I don't really want a cure" He placed his hand in front of the vending machine's opening and made a can of soda fly out and into his hand. "I like my powers." 'That logo... oh, for God's sake!! You have got to be shitting me!'

"Dude/Virg, don't drink that! It's Reach!" Tye and I shared a surprised look before I looked away. 'WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?!' Virgil spat out the soda and threw the can aside.

"Aw, man" His face was absolutely priceless. I let out a small snicker before regaining my composure.

Tye went to sit on the seat next to Ed. "Wake me up when it's time to go." 'Sleeping sounds so nice. Though, I highly doubt that I can actually fall asleep.'

I was about to close my eyes (A/N: For like the one-thousandth time!!) but got interrupted by Sam getting up and walking towards the window. 'Ok, whenever this girl moves, that means something's up.' I quickly got to my feet, preparing in case anything happened. She looked out the window before turning around and pointing outside. "Yabai! Yakura ga kuru!" (A/N: Look, I got no idea what the heck I heard so here ya go. And if I'm not mistaken, she's probably saying: Oh, no! They're coming!")

Ed and I looked at Virgil as if he would magically know the answer. "I have no idea."

I noticed the way Sam was looking at me. She was distressed. She looked from me to Ed, and I instantly got the message. I grabbed Ed by the front of his shirt, forced him towards the windows with me, and looked outside. As soon as he saw who was outside, he immediately grabbed hold of both mine and Sam's shoulders and forced us down to our knees. "Compañero, Wilcox is here." Oh, yeah, forgot to mention. Wilcox and most of the guards from Star are outside.

"Oh, great!" Note the sarcasm. Virgil also started to bend down a little as if to try and hide, you know, when we are all in front of giant glass doors. Virgil sprinted over to Tye and began to shake his shoulder lightly. "Tye! Tye! Wake up, man, we're in trouble." No answer. Unless you count his Astro Form as an answer. 'That's big, like really, really big.'

His Astro Form-self took the freaking roof off of this place and threw it aside like it was nothing. 'Well, at least Virgil got his wish. Though, not in the place, and circumstances we had hoped for.'

Two Worlds Will Collide (Young Justice The Runaways fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now