Detention: Part One

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Nathaniel's POV:

I started sketching the body of my drawing. Once I have the pose, I focused on the head. I was drawing someone... someone who has bright emerald eyes that light up when he talks about his stories, who stares intently at my drawings, who has an adorable face with a cute button nose.


I had wanted to tell him for a long time that I liked him; that I wanted to be more than just friends.

I sighed and continued drawing. I was so into my art that I didn't notice the teacher coming. 

"Nathaniel Kurtzburg! Office, now!" Miss Bustier told me. "I've noticed that you haven't been paying attention for a week already, and I've had enough! Give me your sketchbook!"

I slammed my sketchbook shut and handed it over to her, hoping that she wouldn't open it. Thankfully, Miss Bustier just put it inside one of her table drawers. 

I walked towards the office, getting ready for the worst.

Marc's POV:

I sat under the stairs again, writing in my notebook. I had amazing ideas for me and Nathaniel's next comic! I was so excited to see him. But one thing keeps on happening when I'm with him that I've noticed for a while now. Every time Nathaniel reads my writing, his turquoise eyes shine brightly, and a warm, fuzzy feeling enters my heart. It's strange; I've never felt like this beside him before!


The bell rang. I quickly packed up my stuff and rushed towards the art room. I hope Nathaniel's already there!

As I entered, Alix ran over to me. 

"Yo, Marc! Nath's gonna be a bit late, he has detention!" She told me.

My head dropped in disappointment. "Oh, ok." I quietly walked over to my usual spot and wrote a bit more, waiting for Nathaniel.

Nathaniel's POV:

Great, I had detention. Who knows when I'll see Marc? I hope he wasn't waiting for me... Did Alix tell him yet?

"Sit down, Mister Kurtzburg." The principal said. "I have... duties to attend to." 

'What duties? Dressing up as an owl? ' I thought, but I didn't say anything. I just nodded and found a seat. To my horror, Miss Mendeleiev walked inside. 

"I'll be looking over you, Nathaniel." She said.

I groaned. Amazing.

Miss Mendeleiev studied me. "You know, Nathaniel, I looked inside your sketchbook, and I realized that you draw Marc a lot. Are you good friends?" She asked.

I looked at her in confusion. What? Was she trying to start a conversation with me?

"Nathaniel, I know it might not seem like it, but I cherish my students a lot." Miss Mendeleiev started. "And I've noticed that something has been off with you. Usually, you don't score this bad on tests and you pay attention sometimes too," She said.

"Ok...?" I stated, confused.

"You can tell me anything if you need to," Miss Mendeleiev finished. Where was she getting at? There was no way I'd tell her about my crush on Marc. I'd ask my friends for advice.

"Sure, Miss Mendeleiev," I responded.

*-- Time Skip --*

"Alright, Nathaniel. Your detention is over." Miss Mendeleiev told me. I rushed out of the principle's office. How long had I been there? I hope that Marc is still in the art room...

Marc's POV:

*-- Ten minutes ago --*

'Where's Nathaniel? Why isn't he here yet?'  I thought.

"You know, Marc, if Nathaniel doesn't come today, there's always tomorrow!" Rose squeaked. I smiled faintly.

"Sure, Rose. I guess I'll leave now... it's getting late." I said.

I grabbed my bag and started to leave. Rose, Juleka and Alix exchanged glances and shrugged.

Nathaniel's POV: 

"Alix! Where's Marc?" I asked my best friend as I ran into the art room.

"It's too late, Nath, he left," Alix told me.

"Oh, that's too bad..." I looked down. "How long has he been waiting for me?" 

Rose piped up. "He left about ten minutes ago! He's been here since the end of school!" 

I gasped. He'd been waiting for me for over an hour! I felt so bad. I have to apologize to him tomorrow.

"Um, Alix, could I ask you something?" I requested.

"Sure. Shoot!" She responded.

 "No, I mean, like, privately?" 

"Sure," Alix said, leading me outside of the room. "Be right back, girls!" She told Juleka and Rose. They nodded.

"I, I want to know how to ask someone out," I said.

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