Alexis words are getting in my head.

"Guys, we found something." I heard Charlotte say. We walked towards her and all we say was blood. I frowned and looked at the trail.

"There is blood everywhere." I said and I saw all of them looking in confusion.

"No, there isn't. There is only a drop of blood." Charlotte said confused and I shook my head. I started walking where the blood was leading me as if it was leading me towards something.

"Where are you going, Ella?" Samuel asked and I knew that he was trying to protect me. If something would happen to me this time. My fathers would ban me from going on missions.

"Towards something..." I said softly and just walked. It was almost as if I was enchanted. I was meant to go this way. I was... I knew I was...

I heard someone running towards me and when I looked up, I saw Chris. He looked at me in confusion but he said nothing. He just looked at me and walked with me. I looked away from him and again looked at the ground.

"It's here." I said as I turned around to walk in a alleyway. Everyone took their weapons out, including me. It possibly could be the demon.

"Where is it?" I heard Alexis ask as she was looking around her. She was trying to see where the demon would come from. I gasped when I saw more blood. Without thinking, I just ran towards it.

"Ella!" I heard Chris shout my name. I saw a human laying unconscious on the floor and my heart ached. For a second, I thought it was my mother but it wasn't her. Was I ever going to find her?

"Call the ambulance. She is hurt." I said as I was trying to see whether she was alive. Luckily, she was because I don't know what I would have done if she wasn't.

I heard Samuel call the ambulance and the twins were standing a bit further away. I still don't understand how I was the only one to see the blood. Why couldn't they see it? What was it about this demon that made him so special or so powerful to hide his traits?

I stood away a bit further from the girl and Chris was standing next to me. I sighed as I looked at the girl. She had no idea what attacked her. It couldn't be possible. This demon was smart.

"You know. You did a good job today." Chris said and I shook my head.

"We didn't even catch the demon." I said and I meant it. I was furious about not finding it. We could prevent deaths... She got lucky. Whoever she was, she got lucky.

"But you saved a life. That's a big thing. That's our purpose." He said and I nodded. I knew deep inside he was right. He was right about everything he just told me but it still sucked.

"I know." I sighed. I looked at him now. He was looking at me with a smile which was a first thing to do.

"You know. You are not that bad." I said and still looked at him. He just chuckled softly as he looked in front of him. We were waiting for the ambulance to arrive and we would be on our way again. Somehow, we put our invisibility rune on... They wouldn't see us but I would sleep better knowing she is in better hands.

"Your not that bad yourself." He said and I chuckled.

"I am sorry for whatever happened to Erica." I said softly, hoping that it would somehow make him feel better. I saw his chuckle fade away and he looked at me. He looked shocked but at the same time he was angry.

It was as if I was feeling his rage towards me.

"Who told you? You don't have any right to speak about her." He said and he was furious. He was. His words were sharp as a knife and if his words would kill, I would have been dead.

"It doesn't matter... I just want you to know that I am here for you... I know-"

"What you know how I feel?" He asked throughout his teeth. He was getting closer to me but he also didn't wanted to show anyone else that he was fuming.

"I-I do." I stuttered. He chuckled and looked away. When he looked at me again, I could see tears in his eyes.

"No one will ever understand my pain." He said and I wanted to shake my head but I felt if I did so, he would be angrier. That was the last thing I wanted him to be.

"I loved her and she was torn apart from me. She was taken away. If I could only fight back, she could have been with me now." He said and I could feel his hurt in his voice and it pained me... It pained me to see him hurt.

Why so? I sighed and gathered all my courage with me and shook my head to disagree with him.

"If you would have tried to safe her, you would have died too." I said softly and imagining him dead was the worst void I had felt after my mother's disappearance.

"At least I would have been with her now." He said and it shocked me... It shocked me that Chris was thinking like this... It truly was...

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