Part 11 "I'm glad i'm not the only one who's been a bad girl!"

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BETH:  I knew it!

SHAYLYNN:  How do you know about it?

BETH:  Hank was here when he got the call to say she was alive!

SHAYLYNN: I heard about the body in your basement!

BETH:  It's so sad!


BETH:  So if Hailey's  twin was shot?  where's Hailey been hiding?

SHAYLYNN: She was held captive!

BETH: Oh! By who? When are you coming home?

SHAYLYNN: You know I can't tell you that! I don't know, i need to go!

Shaylynn hung up

BETH:  Tut!

Kelly looked across at her.

BETH:  I don't know why she phoned me, I got no info out of her!

Kelly laughed

KELLY: Because Hanks gonna kick her ass!

BETH: Shut up! (laughing)

Beth's phone rang again, it was Erin

BETH: My god! It's Erin!

Beth answered

BETH: I thought you were dead i hadn't heard from you in so long!

Erin laughed

ERIN: Sorry, i'm still around

BETH: Are you coming to visit us?

ERIN: Mmm, nah!

BETH: Yes you are! I have a new baby you have't seen yet!

ERIN: I know that! (laughing) I do have you on Facebook! He's beautiful!

The next day Beth was driving to Riverdale to go and talk to the parents of Tiffany, the girl who was murdered. She had told Kelly she was running a few errands to get out of the house. The neighborhood was not a good area. There were a lot of run downs homes. When she reached the address  she parked up outside and looked up onto it, it was one of the better houses on the street.

  When she reached the address  she parked up outside and looked up onto it, it was one of the better houses on the street

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Taking a deep breath she grabbed her purse and got out of her car. Closing the door she walked up the path then was about to knock on the door when it opened and a blonde woman stared at her.

LINDA: I don't owe anybody any money lady!

BETH: Are you Mrs Linda Halston?

She looked Beth up and down

LINDA:  You own the house where my daughter was found! I saw your photo on the news!

BETH:  I've come to offer my condolences to you and your family, i'm so sorry about what happened to Tiffany

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