Part 16 You're a heartless b*tch!

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About an hour Beth later pulled up at a gas station to fuel up and get some candy. Kelly phoned her when she sat back in her car.

KELLY: Where are you?

BETH: At a gas station filling up

Beth was busy opening a Mars Bar wrapper

KELLY: And buying candy!

BETH: No (Smiling)

KELLY: Are you coming home tonight? Rosie was waiting for you to read her a bedtime story but she fell asleep already

BETH: Oh, I'm sorry. I wont be long. I promise

KELLY: Okay. I love you

There was a silence for a few seconds

BETH: I love you too

KELLY: You had me worried there

BETH: See you soon

Beth hung up then began to eat her Mars Bar. As she started up the car a phone call came through from Mark.

MARK: Hey beautiful!

BETH: I don't feel very beautiful

MARK: Well you are. Are you still out and about?

BETH: Yeah, I've just filled up at a gas station

MARK: That car must eat up gas!

BETH: It does! But i'd never be without it! It was the first car i bought after winning the lottery!

MARK: My first car was a Rolce Royce! (laughing)

BETH: Yuk! That's an old mans car! (laughing)

Mark laughed with her

MARK: It was chauffeur driven!

BETH: You're so posh!

Mark laughed again

BETH: Thank you for talking to me like normal

MARK: Like normal ?

BETH: Without mentioning anything

MARK: Sure. Are you and Kelly alright?

BETH: I hope so.......I love talking to you ......

MARK: I love talking to you too. You want to meet up for a coffee?

BETH: What? Tonight?

MARK: Yeah

BETH: I can't , I need to get back home. I already missed Rosie's bedtime story and I feel bad

MARK: Another time then?

BETH: Yeah, that would be good. I need to go, night

MARK: Night Beth

Beth hung up and sighed

BETH: Fuck! (quietly) what am i doing?

When Beth got home Kelly was lying on the couch on his phone. He sat up when he saw her.

BETH: I'm gonna go up and give Rosie a kiss

KELLY: You want anything to eat?

BETH: No, i had a Mars Bar

Kelly smiled to himself.

Beth stopped outside Ellie'e bedroom door and nearly broke down. She slumped onto the floor and leaned on the wall. She must've been there for a good ten minutes until Kelly found her. He sat on the floor next to her.

Chicago Love Season 4Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ