Part 8 The Chapter with no title!

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In memory of Ronna Sweeney, creator of Shaylynn !!

Most of this chapter was written before Ronna died

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Most of this chapter was written before Ronna died. i have added parts into it and i'm going along with a storyline we came up with, but it will be Beth's side of the story xx


By the time they ran into the hall part of the kitchen had collapsed into the basement.  Beth burst into tears as the rest of the family appeared. 

KELLY:  Babe, it's okay!

BETH: I just got that refrigerator!

Kelly just looked at Beth and shook his head.

HANK:  What's happened?

KELLY: The basement was filled with water and it got into the foundations , it collapsed when we were down there, now the kitchen has joined it!

HANK:  Beth why are you crying about a refrigerator when part of your house has just collapsed?

BETH: Shut up!

SHAYLYNN:  You'll need a structural engineer

BETH:  Stuart went to Thailand yesterday

SHAYLYNN:  I'm sure there's more than one Structural Engineer in Chicago Beth!

JAMIE:  Is it even safe to be here?

SHAYLYNN: I wouldn't want to stay here!

ALAN:  I know someone Beth

Alan took his phone out of his pocket

BETH: Kelly! We're moving into the Ice Palace!

JAMIE:  Is that a night club?

BETH: No, it's the house I lived in before Kelly and I met

Beth wiped her eyes

BETH:  Did everyone have enough to eat?

A few days later Beth, Kelly, Rachel  and the kids were settled into the old house in North side.  New furniture was delivered and stair gates fitted. Beth had arranged to meet up with Cassandra the following week when she was back in the states.  Builders were rebuilding the basement and kitchen.

TIME:  8.30AM
PLACE:  Kitchen, North Side

Kelly was just home after shift.  Beth was sitting in the kitchen with the girls  who were eating breakfast.

ROSIE: Daddddyyyyy!

ELLIE:  Dadddy!

KELLY:  Hey Rosie!

He kissed Rosie then Ellie.

KELLY: Ellie my girl! (smiling)

BETH: Am I not getting a kiss?

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