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The day was ending with storming clouds and heavy rain, luckily [Y/N] and Satoru were safe from getting wet, they had drove home quietly and dry...

As [Y/N] and Satoru return home, at the door they are faced with a rather mad looking Mitsuru. He repeatedly tapped his foot while they took off their shoes. "Oh? Hello Mitsuru! Guess what we brought home...!" [Y/N] shines a innocent smile before showing him the contents in the shopping bag. "meat skewers!"

His grumpy dementor is quickly replaced with a gleeful expression. "Looks delicious [Y/N]," he then smiled and lightly patted her head "Are skewers you're favourite?" He asked, [Y/N] blushed red for a moment, Mitsuru wasn't quite aware of what he was doing...

She nods and Satoru notices her flushed face and quickly interrupted. "[Y/N], why don't you start making dinner? I'll come and join you soon." He was leaning down almost whispering in her ear, his voice was gentle. "OH right! I'll go make some rice too!" She announced while running down the hall into the kitchen.

Mitsuru and Satoru stood in the entrance. "Care to explain Satoru?" Mitsuru bluntly got to the point...

Satoru chuckled and continued to take off his coat. "oh? Explain what exactly?" They glare at each other, "first... let's discuss you leaving Ryoji on the bridge." Satoru flashed a fox eyed smile, "I'm sure Ryoji was fine on his own." Suddenly Ryoji appears at the end of the hallway leading into the house.

"Satoru, You dick!" He sneezed. Ryoji was dripping wet, from head to toe. He was wrapped in a towel and shivering from the cold.

Satoru ignores Ryoji's insult and smiled at Mitsuru, "he's fine. Ryoji is always quick to recover."

"Alright. What about you taking [Y/N] out on your own?" Ryoji jumped forward and glared at Satoru. "I was supposed to be walking [Y/N] home! Then you...a..."

"a...ACHOO—!" Ryoji sniffs...

...then continued "stole her!"

Satoru pushed pass Ryoji with a grin, "well, Ryoji, if I hadn't 'stole' [Y/N], she would have been caught in the pouring rain with you." He gave a smug look towards his little step-brother. "Wouldn't you say I did the right thing? It was for the sake of you're step-sister wasn't it?"

Ryoji clenched Satoru's shirt and gave him a dark glare, he mumbled his words "I'm... seriously going to murd—"

"oh Ryoji! Thank god you got back okay," [Y/N] had walked over in a apron, "I knew I heard your voice..." she noted before noticing their aggressive stance. Ryoji was gripping onto Satoru's shirt and Satoru looking seemly defenceless with his arms held upwards slightly...

"Is... every thing okay...?" [Y/N]'s face became grim, it was obvious she didn't like fighting. Mitsuru immediately broke them up by pushing in between them both, he then approached [Y/N], "haha everything is fine— they always do this," he sighed and put his hands on the [H/C] haired girls shoulders and leaned in...

"That's why we gotta break them up when they get like this..." he looked back at his two brothers, then back to [Y/N] "it's like our job as family [Y/N]..." He whispered secretly to her, She blushed at the thought of this kind of close sibling talks. "Right! It's our job, hehe"

Mitsuru's actions did not go unnoticed by his two step-brothers who immediately stepped in and tugged Mitsuru away, without noticing, they worked together to take down a threat.

They leaned in themselves and continuously complimented [Y/N], "you look super cute in that apron [Y/N]!" Ryoji smiles hugging her arm tight, it seems he's trying to use his cute charms on her...

Satoru quickly steals her attention by lightly touching her hair, "I'd say [Y/N] looks rather mature. I bet you'd make the perfect housewife [Y/N]..." Satoru gently gazed into her eyes, his flirting was more subtle...

[Y/N] was shocked for a moment, however she let out a small burst of laughter then quickly left their touch. "Oh um, Thank you. But I don't think I exactly fit the image of someone cute nor mature." She lightly hit her head with the edge of her fist, "I'm just a dunce [Y/N], hehe" she chuckled and quickly turned around back to the kitchen, she muttered "oh, I'll go set the table now!" and panic she left completely out of sight

The brothers stood silently in the entrance, Ryoji and Satoru were dumbfounded that their flirting and charms didn't reach her...

Mitsuru sighs again, "Yuusuke? Do you want to come in now?" Suddenly Yuusuke enters through the front door, it appears he had been waiting for them to finish before he snuck in. "...You guys are pathetic." He muttered with a blunt and stoic voice. Mitsuru smiled a little and started walking away. Yuusuke tucks away his umbrella and follows him inside...

Ryoji and Satoru glance at eachother. Ryoji sticks his tongue out and quickly leaves. The navy blue haired adult sighs and begins to take off his jacket.

The table was set and dinner was being served. Mitsuru sat opposite of Yuusuke, while Satoru seated himself at the every end of the table. Meanwhile Ryoji had been ordered to go to bed early, since he obviously caught the common cold...

[Y/N] drifted around the table serving their plates. Yuusuke reaches for his cold glass of water. Mitsuru strikes up a conversation, "so, [Y/N]... did you decide on a club today?"

She gleams with a smile, "I did!" Satoru strikes a smirk at the end of the table, directly staring towards Yuusuke. "Oh? Which club?" [Y/N] gives the eldest a strange look, he already knows, but why did he ask?

She mumbles, "oh well um. I decided to join the photography club...!" Yuusuke immediately chokes on his water. Satoru chokes down his own laughter and smiles towards her, "how cute." Yuusuke glares into his direction...

The faintest sneeze could be heard from the second floor, [Y/N] glances up worried "I hope Ryoji will be okay..." Satoru cuts in, "he'll be just fine. Ryoji is someone who recovers quickly, despite his small and fragile build..."

"It's surprising isn't it? Since he eats nothing but trash. Somehow that brat is always fit." Mitsuru comments...

"He hasn't eaten anything yet, has he?" [Y/N] grabs her own plate of food in a rush. "I'll be right back—" she stops at the door frame leading to the stairway, "please do not wait up for me! You may begin eating if you may like!" The brothers stare as she leaves the room to head upstairs and out of sight.

"Poor girl." Mitsuru mumbles and continued after a short pause. "She has been thrown into a wolfs den." He shows frustration in his expression. Satoru smiled, "na-ah, you forget, [Y/N] has done this all herself. She asked for it, didn't she?" Yuusuke calmly stares into space, however his voice was somewhat deeper "no. If she knew what we were really like, she wouldn't have asked for it." Yuusuke stands, his expression darkens "it's only a matter of time before [Y/N] will leave, in horrific fear. Just like her mother." The table went silent.

Mitsuru held his forehead and looked to be in despair, he whispered to himself, "Right. Let's not get too attached..."

*knock knock*

[Y/N] knocked, and no response. "Ryoji...?" She waited, "Um? Are you okay?" The second time she knocked a little louder. Still nothing. She looked grim, fearing the worse. She quickly, but quietly opened the door,

"I apologise for the breach of privacy..." she whispered, not like Ryoji respected her own privacy, remember the events of that morning. But she respected his.

"Ryoji?" She looked around the room. His room was... very bland... no hint of colour anywhere. Which is unexpected of Ryoji he seemed like the messy and colourful type...

She walked towards the bed, the blankets covered some sort of figure within the bed. [Y/N] inspects, whispering to make sure he was a sleep at least and not dead...

"Ryoji...?" She softy shook, "I'm sorry, but please could you respond with anything...?" Making sure he wasn't dead. The blanket was lightly tugged by [Y/N], to her surprise there was nothing but pillows under the blanket, shaped like a person...

She gasps, "oh h...how silly of me..." she stutters, then realised something, "wait... if Ryoji isn't here in bed then..." she looked around the room for a split second before—

[Y/N] drops the plate and it shatters upon falling into the ground,

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