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In first person view, [Y/N] looked to be holding hands with a little boy. His face was faded and blurred to the point where he appeared faceless. He clasped [Y/N]'s hands tighter, almost whispering to her "[Y/N]... I'll come back for you, just wait a little longer."

[Y/N] suddenly jolting out of her bed, waking up in a cold sweat, momentarily looking at her hands wondering why she almost fell out of bed.

"[Y/N]! Good morning!" The [H/C] haired girl swiftly turned her head to the voice right beside her. "Ryoji..." she immediately recognised his hair. "What are you doing in my room?" She tilted her head, slowly regaining her sight...

Ryoji was kneeling beside her bed, his hands clasping her blanket, "I wanted to be the first one to tell you good morning!" He chuckled happily, giving her a innocent smile. "It's what good brothers do!" [Y/N] stares for a moment, thinking about it.

"I see... I had no idea." She looked somewhat dumbfounded. "Common! Let's eat breakfast together!" Ryoji pulled [Y/N] out of bed and tugged her down stairs to the kitchen.

The table was already prepared with three plates of breakfast. Mitsuru set his own plate down consisting of two slices of toast and eggs. "[Y/N], Good morning." His voice shaked.

"Good morning." She looked around the room. "Where's Satoru and Yusuke?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "They always leave before us, Satoru went to work and Yusuke left for school, he usually has early club activities..." Ryoji jumped into the conversation, "that reminds me [Y/N]! Are you transferring to our academy? I noticed you wearing our second year outfit yesterday!"

She turns to face her hasty brother. "That's right. I've already contacted the academy myself and I passed their exam... just barely..." [Y/N]'s chuckle was forced while she scratched her head. "Yuusuke is lucky you're both in the same year...! grr why couldn't I be one year early..."

"Hey." Misturu firmly caught her attention. "If you already made the transfer arrangements—what was your plan if we said no?" [Y/N] nervously sat at the table. "You mean if I had no place to stay?" She thought about for a second.

"Live on the street...I guess...?" Mitsuru snapped from the other end "what are you? an idiot?! You wouldn't last a day out there! Especially if you're a woman! Honestly— you lack awareness! '" He started humourlessly scolding her, in response [Y/N] half-heartedly laughed brushing his yelling off...

He finally finished his scolding, holding his head like he had a headache, he glanced at [Y/N] "...Not everyone is as nice as you think. This city is a very dangerous place, you'll soon realise this yourself and find yourself worrying..."

[Y/N] looked to her legs thinking about what Misturu was trying to tell her. "Why should I be worried? I have four fantastic brothers to watch out for me! Right...?" Misturu looked to be caught off guard, he immediately looked away from her, his face flushed red for a slight second. "...?"

Ryoji jumped at this chance hugging [Y/N]. Catching her full attention and away from Misturu "You're so innocent [Y/N]... I'll protect you!" He squeezed harder. "Thank you Ryoji!" She gleamed brighter than before, at least. From Misturu's perspective...


"You're gonna love our school! Everyone is suuuper nice!" Ryoji bounced like a child. Misturu cut In, "not everyone, Ryoji..." he thought for a second. "I suppose not everyone..." [Y/N] looked at them, a tad confused. "Why do you say that?"

"a lot of the girls are sneaky... almost possessive when it comes to..." Ryoji and Misturu glance at each other then back to [Y/N] "when it comes to what?" Ryoji changes the mood giving [Y/N] a heartfelt smile. "Never mind the girls! It's the boys you should be worrying about!" [Y/N] blinked. "The boys?"

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