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There were so many conversations happening around her. Two woman standing by a window loudly gossiped about the increase of missing people in Yamataba. In which [Y/N] had nothing to say about, nor did she react much.

"Hasn't it become dangerous to walk alone at night...?" someone whispered. [Y/N] shot a glance at the two. "I heard some sort of neighbourhood gang has been blackmailing and taking high school students Money! How awful!"

As the doors opened [Y/N] followed the crowd in a hurry to get off. Leaving the convention behind, the city always seemed busy. Can't stop to listen now.

The walk from the station was much more pleasant for [Y/N]. There was still an influx of people but she wasn't confined to a small space anymore. She pulled out her phone, looking to see if she had any new messages.

No new messages.

"Figures." She had hoped her father would at least text her goodbye. But instead left her with nothing. [Y/N] continued her walk, soon finding herself outside a large dorm and it's front gate.

a small sign on top of the letter box read: resistance of Nakashima family. Matching the address linked to her phone, [Y/N] glances between the two.

("Nakashima my family...") [Y/N] read the sign quietly, standing outside for a good minute. Her eyes curious "..." She extended her hand outwards to lightly touch the sign. But was stopped... by the sound of a voice.

"Can I help you...?" [Y/N] turns to face a boy. a handsome one at that. Carrying a shopping store bag was a high schooler with dark chestnut hair and faint yellowish eyes, who was also clearly a tad taller than [Y/N] herself.

He tilted his head. Eyeing down [Y/N] head to toe. "Have we met before?" He shortly asked, clearly having his own sense of familiarity.

"No... I don't believe so..." [Y/N] hesitantly replied. She fiddled with her school bag, looking to the dorm house. "This is the Nakashima house right? It's so big no wonder it's now called a dorm..." her laugh was short, as she tried to make conversation without getting too awkward with the stranger...

"Right... and who are you again?" He paused, then spoke again, scratching his head. "If you're here to confess... I'm not interested. Neither are any of my brothers." Harshly he glared at [Y/N], his expression clearly telling her to leave.

And in reply she simply tilted her head side ways. "Confess? Confess what...?" Her voice became quiet as she whispered to herself, turning her head away. "My sins? Is he some sort of priest?" Something the boy obviously heard, and was just as confused by.

"What—? no... didn't you come here to confess your feelings?" [Y/N] shook her head silently. He stared at [Y/N] once more. "That uniform, Your a second year right? I don't recognise you. What's your name?"

"My name?" [Y/N] took another look towards the sign. She had a moment of unease before replying. "My name is [Y/N] [L/N]." She bows looking to her feet.

"[L/N]?" The boy question. "Yes." She shortly replied back. "I'm Narumi [L/N]'s blood daughter. Nice to meet you." She took another bow. She glances upwards towards the high schooler, "Na...Narumi's? Daughter?!" The boy question loudly.

"I'm guessing your one of my step-brothers?" [Y/N]'s voice became cheerful, she seemed excited. A faint blush was visible on the handsome boys face. "Step-brother? Narumi... she had a... daughter?" [Y/N] nodded and stepped closer.

A short silence went by, before [Y/N] reached out her hand, holding a card "here's my ID and student ID if you're not convinced..." and quietly waited for his response. "[Y/N]...And you decided to visit now because...?" [Y/N] squeezed her hands together, "Because Well, I'm moving in..." the high schooler gave another sharp look.

"well I'm hoping I can!" The girls [E/C] eyes widened and somewhat shined. She was a odd one. The boy knowing that himself. He thought about her words "M...Move in?! this is a male Dorm... you can't possibl—!" with his cheeks flushed he shoved [Y/N]'s student ID back into her hands. He also cut off by the sound of a voice to his right.

"Mitsuru~ why are you still outside?? Where's my pudding! I asked for it minutes ago! It doesn't take that long to go to the convenience store and back!" a short boy suddenly appeared from the house. He had platinum blonde hair and bold cherry red eyes with cute features for a boy...

He walked right up to the chestnut haired boy, lightly hitting him with his fists repeatedly. "God you're slow. Just give me the bag!" He reached out, nearly tripping forth, just before noticing [Y/N] "eh? It's a girl..." He stared.

She nodded with a smile "Last I checked, yes. Hello..." The small boy chuckled a little. "And she's cute ღ...! Greetings! My name is Ryoji Nakashima!" The blonde boy stepped forward closer to [Y/N]'s face. But was immediately tugged back by Mitsuru, the boy with the chestnut hair.

"This is exactly what I was afraid of." Mitsuru sighs, holding Ryoji by the collar, both [Y/N] and Ryoji seemed confused. "You can't move in... people will get the wrong idea about a girl living with four boys." He lectured. Ryoji struggled his way out of Mitsuru's grip "what are you two talking about?"

"Wrong idea? But we're family? Whats so wrong about that...?" the [H/C] girl looked to her shoes, her expression became dual and a tad sad. Ryoji really jumped out of his shoes hearing the word 'family'. "Ehhhhh?! What in the world are you two talking about?!" He repeated.

With a pink face Mitsuru stumbles over his words, thinking of what might occur in the dorm, "No...I mean...yes we're family—That's still— YOU CANNOT!" He yelled before being interrupted again.

"Perhaps you two want to argue inside the house?" A very tall figure walked into the conversation, the 'two' obviously referring to Mitsuru and Ryoji.

Mitsuru and Ryoji looked to the voice, in sync speaking his name "Satoru!" Ryoji struggled and stumbled his way out of Mitsuru's grasp and towards the prince like brother. "That's the thing, I don't even know what we're arguing about!" Ryoji whined to his other, and clearly older, brother. Him having bavi blue hair and sharp eyes and was clearly taller than both Mitsuru and Ryoji.

"Who do we have here?" The mature boy smiled towards [Y/N] and in reply she waved, "oh hello, I'm [Y/N] [L/N]..." she took a deep breath in before speaking. "The daughter of Narumi." She said a second time a tad more nervous the second time with a crowd.

Ryoji jumped full of expression and surprise "what? Narumi had a daughter?!" He was shocked but snapped out of his head. "H..how do we know you're not just fibbing?" He pointed a finger towards the girl. Satoru sighs and nodded with agreement. "Ryoji May be right. Do you have any clarification? [L/N]?"

"My... my ID yes..." she handed her card over, nervously, nearly dropping the card out of her hand. "She's Narumi's daughter." Again, almost out of no where someone else entered the conversation. [Y/N] turning around to face, said person.

In a hoodie and jeans a boy with pure snow hair, with light sky blue eyes walked towards the small group outside the house, "you can tell just by her looks... she's Narumi's daughter." he mentioned in a deadpan voice, also giving off a mysterious vibe with his mouth mask over his nose and down to his chin.

Satoru and Ryoji nodded looking closer inspecting [Y/N]'s features, her cheeks lightly flushed taking a step back from their gaze. "you're not wrong, Yuusuke..." Satoru cheerfully agrees yet still inspecting her face.

"do I really look similar to her?" [Y/N] seemed happy with the statement. Ryoji smiled and noted "Just look at her [H/C] hair! She's like a uncanny younger version of Narumi!" They seemed amazed by [Y/N]'s appearance.

Both boys were tugged back by Mitsuru, who was silently watching for a while. "Now That that's out of the way can we go back to telling her to leave!" Ryoji gasped and turned to face Mitsuru. "And why would we tell our newly found sister to leave?!"

He clasped his sisters shoulders walking towards the dorm building. "Common [Y/N]! Let's look around the house together!" He cheerfully pushed, Yuusuke quietly followed them in, "oh Um okay... please take care of me...!" leaving Mitsuru dumbfounded looking to Satoru...

"This can't possibly work..." Mitsuru frustratingly sighed, "can it, Satoru?" He said glancing towards his older brother, Satoru, whom seemed to be looking at [Y/N] with a seemingly sweet smile as she entered the house. "Let's see." His charming smile turned into a smirk.

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