Thought Spiral 2

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Bro......we have to pretend to sleep to fall asleep...HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK!? Actually, the better question is: WHY DOES THAT EVEN WORK?! Like, I'm over here struggling to sleep then I'm like "Oh, maybe if I close my eyes, sleep will just come to me." Next thing you know I'm knocked out and wake hella confused like, what in the hecking heck heck happened?

Who came up the idiom "Soft like a baby's bottom"? Like, seriously, who? Are people just going around touching a baby's ass and be like "Ooh, this shit soft!" All I can imagine is like a little cult thing standing around a baby on a table and then they start touching the baby's butt and maybe even spanking the baby's butt. 

Damn, my thoughts are weird and just...random.

Why aren't blueberries blue? Like, why? Why even call it a blueberry if it's not blue? Call it a purpleberry or bluish-purplish berry thing. Why am I even thinking about this? I don't even like blueberries. That shit nasty. Why're strawberries called strawberries? First of all, they're not even berries and second, "straw"?

People with lisps struggle with their "s" and other letters. (Correct me if I'm wrong) So why is there a "s" in lisp? That's gonna make it even harder on the person with the lisp. What?  Is it like "If you can correctly say lisp, then you don't have a lisp anymore!!!" Holy thit!( Not trying to make fun of anyone with a lisp)

Bro....if you take the "w" off of what, where and when, you still get other words. Hat, here, hen. But if you took the "w" of and put a "t" there instead, you'd get the answer to each of them. 
What- That
Where- There
When- Then

I'm writing this at like 6 in the morning. Fun times.


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