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Richies Pro:

I went shopping with Patrick,Henry and Eddie and ceil my baby boy we decided that would be his name I was holding him while trying to get some chips potato to be exact a lady walked over to me with her son he had bowl cut hey I'm Joyce and this is will I was wondering how old your brother is I giggled he's not my brother he's my son w-what he's your son she said I nodded grabbing my chips and walking away to find Patrick.

Joyce's Pro:

He looked wills age 13 maybe to young to have a baby I called hopper to talk about El and mike and now every one is here me, Johnathan,will,Mike,Lucas,Dustin,Nancy,Steve,Billy,max,hopper and el. He was at least 13 guys he said it was his right mom maybe he was joking said the nodded with him no it was his he was so serious about it to Will said is it really are business Dustin said of course it is max says how though you don't know him he didn't leave his house for this reason for the fear someone would take him away Dustin said

    You knew about this Dustin said Nancy he said ya I did and it's not any of your business he lives next door to me and he comes over for dinner a lot so mom can play with the baby and when he gets his stuff for school and I tutor him till he can go and stay in class our teachers said it was fine long as I drop his work off so don't bother him he's really nice so don't go harassing him please I have to go now mom said to home by 3 to help rich bye Dustin said we were all dumbfounded.

Dustin Pro:

Assholes why are they so nosy I'm really they can be worried but they can't bother him while I was riding my bike hopper told to stop and get in the car I rolled my eyes and kept riding I got home and ignored there calls for me to wait and walked in. Patrick was there fixing the counter I almost trip there were boxes every were what's going on I asked Eddie jumped up and said your moving in with us we jumped up and down laughing henry walked into the house we turned and said why is there a group of assholes out said Henry.

SECRETS Richie tozier x Henry bowers x Patrick hockstetter x Eddie kaspbrakDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora