He's Back

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(May' POV)
    I headed to the last class of the day, hoping Mrs. Kramer wouldn't be on my ass like every other year. As I entered the room, I instantly spotted two of my friends, Angel and Ria. Angel and Ria had massive crushes on each other, but are too stubborn to admit it, I personally hope they finally admit it and get together, they'd be pretty cute together. "Hey lovebirds" I said as I approached them, with a smirk on my face, as I saw Angel laying her head on Ria's shoulder. They both blushed and Angel got off the taller girl's shoulder, and said "Shut up, I'm tired and she's my friend." Yeah sure, totally a friend, I thought to myself. The teacher came into the classroom and started the lesson, so we had to get to our seats.

45 minutes later
   As soon as the bell rang, I said my goodbyes to Angel and Ria and headed out to my car, waiting for Isaac. A few minutes passed and he finally showed up. "The hell took you so long?" I asked him, and he shrugged and said "Some girl wanted my number." I felt a weird feeling, like anger and sadness, creep up on me, but I just shook it off, "Got yourself a hot date already?" I said with a smirk, ignoring the feeling of anger I felt from the statement. "Shut up, you're just jealous you haven't gotten asked out in two years." I put a hand on my chest, pretending to be hurt, "My poor feelings." I said jokingly. "Well, whatever. Get in the car before I leave you here to take the bus." I told him, and he got in. I drove him home and went home.
   When I got home I took a shower and put on Good Girls on Netflix. A few hours later, my mom came home, and with someone I guess? I quietly went downstairs and I swear I couldn't breath for a few moments as I saw who was with her.

[A/N. I am so sorry for being gone for a while! I know not many people read this story, but I thank everyone that does! It means a lot to me, and I was just dealing with stuff, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Can you try and guess who Chris is? I'll be active and try to be updating this story more, I promise! Have a fantastic day, or night, reader!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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