Junior Year.

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(May's POV)

Beep beep beep

I hit the alarm clock next to my bed and it immediately stopped beeping. 'Why is school a thing?'  I asked myself as I stood up from the comfort of my bed and got ready for hell. "Sweetie, I have to leave early for work today, so take your car!" my mom yelled from downstairs. "Ok!", I yelled back, answering her question. "Oh, pick up Isaac! His car isn't working!", she yelled before I heard the front door open and close.

What did that idiot do to his car this time? I grabbed my keys from the cabinet (A/N, don't question it) and went out the door to my car.

"Get in loser, we're going to school!", I told Isaac as I arrived at his house, "going, jeez!" He said. He was wearing a white hoodie that looked twice as big as him, some sweatpants, and his Nike shoes that he never went anywhere without. I looked at him confused as he went through the pair of spare hats I had in my back seat and saw him take my black and blue cap and put it on.

"What're you doing?", I asked him, "you always look cool in it, so I thought I might try it out.", he then proceeded to smile that smile that made my heart melt every dang time. My heart fluttered and I said "don't lose it" 

If I'm being honest with you, I've had a crush on Isaac since the 7th grade. It's not one of those crushes that are obvious, though. It started when he defended me from some bullies who were picking on me 4th period. He scared them off and told me everything was fine and that they'd never bother me again. He seemed so heroic in that moment that something in my brain just clicked and I started feeling things towards him. Fun fact, the bullies actually never did approach me again. Wonder what he did to them.

"Hey, Issa?", I said, "hm?" He responded, "what did you say to those bullies in 7th grade?", I asked him. He giggled and responded with, "I told them that if they didn't stop, I'd call someone to kidnap them and take them away from here". I laughed. You would think 7th graders wouldn't be afraid of a threat like that.

As we arrived at school, we said our "cya later"s and went to class. Nothing special happened up until lunch. When I was putting my books in my locker, I heard nearby chanting, saying "fight, fight, fight!", me being the drama seeker I am, I went and checked it out.

It was Isaac and Joey.

How I Fell In Love With My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now